Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (C001541) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Alabama A&M University (C001002) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Alabama State University (C001005) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Alcorn State University (C002396) |
MU 213 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Alice Lloyd College (C001951) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Allen County Community College (C001901) |
MUS 111 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Alvin Community College (C003539) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Amarillo College (C003540) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSI 1307 — Music Literature |
3.00 |
American Public University System (C038193) |
MUSI 200 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
American River College (C009552) |
MUFHL 300 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Andrew College (C001545) |
MUS 123 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Angelina College (C006661) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Appalachian State University (C002906) |
MUS 2011 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Arapahoe Community College (C001346) |
MUS 120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Arkansas Baptist College (C001087) |
MUS 107 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Arkansas Northeastern College (C012860) |
MU 22003 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MU 26203 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Arkansas State University Beebe Branch (C001091) |
MUS 2503 — Fine Arts-Musical |
3.00 |
Arkansas State University Main Campus (C001090) |
MUS 2502 — Music History I |
3.00 |
MUS 2503 — Fine Arts-Musical |
3.00 |
Arkansas State University Mid-South (C015862) |
MU 1103 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 1103 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Arkansas Tech University (C001089) |
MUS 2003 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Armstrong State University (C001546) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Athens State University (C001008) |
MU 310 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Atlantic Cape Community College (C002596) |
MUSC 100 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Auburn University Main Campus (C001009) |
MUSI 2730 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
MUSI 2733 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
MUSI 2737 — Honors Appreciation Of Music |
3.00 |
Auburn University at Montgomery (C008310) |
MUSI 2110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Austin Community College (C012015) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Austin Peay State University (C003478) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 2000 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Bainbridge College (C011074) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Ball State University (C001786) |
MUHIS 100 — Intro Music |
3.00 |
Baltimore City Community College (C002061) |
MUSC 102 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 102 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Barnard College (C002708) |
MUSI BC1001 — An Introduction to Music I |
3.00 |
MUSI BC1002 — An Introduction to Music II |
3.00 |
Barstow College (C001119) |
MUSI 3 — Music Apprec (American Music) |
3.00 |
Barton County Community College (C004608) |
MUSI 1002 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Baton Rouge Community College (C037303) |
MUSC 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Baylor University (C003545) |
MUS 1321 — Engaging with Music |
3.00 |
Beaufort County Community College (C008558) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Belhaven University (C002397) |
MUS 120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Bellarmine College (C001954) |
MUSC 200 — Music Literature |
3.00 |
Belmont University (C003479) |
MUH 1200 — "Intro to Music: History, Style" |
3.00 |
Benedictine College (C010256) |
MU 113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Berry College (C001554) |
MUS 215 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
Bethel College (C001787) |
MUS 201 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Bethel University (C003480) |
MUS 201 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Bevill State Community College (Z000203) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Birmingham Southern College (C001012) |
MU 121 — Introduction To Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Bishop State Community College (C001030) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Black River Technical College (C011948) |
FAM 2503 — Fine Arts Musical |
3.00 |
Blinn College (C003549) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Blue Mountain Christian University (C002398) |
MU 142 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 142 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSIC 142 — Appreciation |
3.00 |
Boise State University (C001616) |
MUS 100 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Boston University (C002130) |
CAS MU 117 — Music Apprec I |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Brigham Young University - Idaho (C001625) |
MUSIC 101 — Mus & The Hum |
3.00 |
Brookdale Community College (C008404) |
MUSI 115 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Brookhaven College - Dallas College (C021002) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Brunswick Community College (C021707) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Bucks County Community College (C003239) |
MUSC 101 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Butler Community College (KS) (C001906) |
MU 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Butler University (C001788) |
MH 111 — Historical Survey of Music |
3.00 |
Caldwell Community College and Technical (C004835) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Calhoun Community College (C001013) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUS 110 — Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 110 — Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
California Lutheran University (C001133) |
MUS 101 — Music and Culture |
3.00 |
California State University-Northridge (C001153) |
MUS 105 — Understand Music |
3.00 |
MUS 107 — Music Today |
3.00 |
California State University-Sacramento (C001150) |
MUSC 18 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Calvin College (C002241) |
MUSC 103 — Understanding & Enjoying Music |
3.00 |
Campbell University (C002913) |
MUSC 131 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Cape Fear Community College (C005320) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Carl Albert State College (C003176) |
MUS 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Carroll Community College (C031007) |
MUSIC 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Carson-Newman College (C003481) |
MUS 133 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
Catawba Valley Community College (C005318) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Cecil Community College (C008308) |
MUC 122 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Centenary College of Louisiana (C002003) |
MUS 143 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Central Alabama Community College (C001007) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciat |
3.00 |
Central Baptist College (C001093) |
MUS 2300 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Central Carolina Community College (C005449) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Central Georgia Technical College (C005763) |
MUSC 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Central Maine Technical College (C005276) |
MUS 101 — Music Apprec and History |
3.00 |
Central Piedmont Community College (C002915) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Central Virginia Community College (C004988) |
MUS 121 — Mus Appr I |
3.00 |
Cerritos College (C001161) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Chabot College (C001162) |
MUSL 1 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Chaffey Community College (C001163) |
MUSIC 4 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Charles Stewart Mott Community College (C002261) |
MUS 180 — Music App |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Charleston Southern University (C003419) |
MUSI 171 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College (C012182) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Chattanooga State Technical Community Co (C003998) |
MU 110 — Music Appreciat |
3.00 |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Chipola Junior College (C001472) |
MUL 2010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Christian Brothers University (C003482) |
MUSC 111 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Citrus College (C001166) |
MUSE 109 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
City College of Chicago Olive-Harvey Col (C009767) |
MUSIC 121 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
City Colleges of Chicago Malcolm X (C001650) |
MUSIC 121 — Intro Music |
3.00 |
Clemson University (C003425) |
MUSC 2100 — Music in West World |
3.00 |
MUSIC 210 — Music in West World |
3.00 |
Cloud County Community College (C001909) |
MU 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Coastal Alabama Community College (C001060) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Coastal Bend College (C003546) |
MUSI 1306 — Listening to Music |
3.00 |
Coastal Carolina Community College (C008084) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Coastal Carolina University (Z004281) |
MUS 110 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Cochise College (C001072) |
MUS 102 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Coffeyville Community College (C001910) |
MUSC 122 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of Central Florida (C001471) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of Charleston (C003428) |
MUSC 131 — Music Appreciation: The Art Of Listening |
3.00 |
College of Du Page (C006656) |
MUSIC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of Lake County (C007694) |
MUS 124 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of San Mateo (C001181) |
MUS 202 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of Southern Idaho (C001619) |
MUSI 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of Southern Nevada (C010362) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of The Mainland (C007096) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
College of The Sequoias (C001186) |
MUS 10 — Appreciation |
3.00 |
Collin College (C023614) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Colorado Mountain College (C009007) |
MUS 120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Colorado State University (C001350) |
MU 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUCC 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Columbia Basin College (C003774) |
MUSC 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Columbia College - Missouri (C002456) |
MUSI 122 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
POSC 292 — International Relations |
3.00 |
Columbia International University (C003429) |
MUS 2110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Columbus State University (C001561) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Community College of Rhode Island (C003408) |
MUSC 1160 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Concordia College - AL (C010554) |
MUS 125 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Craven Community College (C008086) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Crowder College (C002459) |
MUSC 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Cuesta College (C001192) |
MUS 235 — Music Appr-Classical |
3.00 |
MUS 35 — Music Appr-Classical |
3.00 |
Dallas College (C045001) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Dalton College (C003956) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Danville Area Community College (C001669) |
MUSI 115 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Davidson County Community College (C002919) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Daytona State College (C001475) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Delgado Community College (C004626) |
MUSC 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Delta State University (C002403) |
MUS 115 — Experiencing Music |
3.00 |
MUS 115 — Music In Western Culture |
3.00 |
MUS 212 — Mucis in Gen culture |
3.00 |
Denison University (C003042) |
MUS 101 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Diablo Valley College (C001191) |
MUSIC 110 — Introduction to Music Literature |
3.00 |
Drury University (C002461) |
MUSC 115 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Durham Technical Community College (C005448) |
MUS 151 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Dyersburg State Community College (C006835) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
East Arkansas Community College (C012260) |
MUS 1003 — Honors Music Appr |
3.00 |
East Carolina University (C002923) |
MUSC 2207 — The Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
East Georgia College (C010997) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
East Los Angeles College (C022260) |
MUSIC 111 — Music Apprec 1 |
3.00 |
East Tennessee State University (C003487) |
MUSC 1030 — Introduction To Music |
3.00 |
Eastern Kentucky University (C001963) |
MUH 171 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Eastern Washington University (C003775) |
MUSC 212 — Music in the Humanities |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Eastfield College - Dallas College (C008510) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
El Camino College (C001197) |
MUSIC 11 — Music Appreciation-Survey |
3.00 |
Elgin Community College (C001675) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Enterprise State Community College (C001015) |
MUS 101 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Erskine College and Seminary (C003432) |
MU 203 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Everett Community College (C003776) |
MUSC 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Fairmont State College (C003812) |
MUSI 1120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Fayetteville Technical Community College (C007640) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Flagler College (C007893) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Florida Atlantic University (C001481) |
MUL 2010 — Hist & Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
Florida College (C001482) |
MUL 1110 — Introduction to Music Literature |
3.00 |
Florida International University (C009635) |
MUH 1011 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Florida SouthWestern State College (C001477) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Florida State College at Jacksonville (C001484) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Florida State University (C001489) |
MUL 2010 — Music Literature |
3.00 |
Folsom Lake College (C038713) |
MUFHL 300 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Fordham University (C002722) |
MURU 1100 — Music History Intro |
3.00 |
MUSC 1100 — Music History Intro |
3.00 |
Forsyth Technical Community College (C005317) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Fort Lewis College (C001353) |
MU 101 — The Musical Experience |
3.00 |
Fort Scott Community College (C001916) |
MUS 1213 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Fullerton College (C001201) |
MUS 116 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Furman University (C003434) |
MUS 101 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
MUS 20 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
G C Wallace State Community College (C009980) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 1110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Gadsden State Community College (C001017) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Gainesville College (C001567) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Galveston College (C006662) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Gaston College (C002973) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Genesee Community College (C006782) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
George C Wallace State Community College (C001018) |
MUS 101 — Mus Appreciatio (Qtr Hr) |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 101V — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Georgia Highlands College (C009507) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Georgia Military College (C001571) |
MUS 194 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Georgia Northwestern Technical College (C005257) |
MUSC 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Georgia Perimeter College (C001562) |
MUSC 1301 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Georgia Southern University (C001572) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Georgia State University (C001574) |
MUS 193 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Gordon College (C001575) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Graceland College (C001866) |
MUSC 1250 — Survey of Music Literature |
3.00 |
Grand Canyon University (C001074) |
MUS 252 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Grand Rapids Junior College (C002267) |
MUS 110 — Aprrec World & Western Mus |
3.00 |
Grayson College (C003570) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Greenville Technical College (C003991) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Guilford Technical Community College (C004838) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Gulf Coast State College (c001490) |
MUL 2010 — Undstnd Music |
3.00 |
Gwinnett Technical College (C0161369) |
MUSC 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Hagerstown Junior College (C002074) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Hampden-Sydney College (C003713) |
F.A. 103 — Intr Music Lit |
3.00 |
FINA 103 — Introduction to Music Literat |
3.00 |
Hannibal-Lagrange College (C009089) |
MUS 103 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Hardin-Simmons University (C003571) |
MUHL 1301 — From Bach to Rock |
3.00 |
Harrisburg Area Community College-Harris (C003273) |
MUS 102 — Honors Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Heartland Community College (C030838) |
MUSI 150 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Henderson Community College (C001993) |
MUS 100 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Hendrix College (C001099) |
MUS 150 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUSI 150 — Survey of West Classical Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Herkimer County Community College (C004788) |
HU 212 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
High Point University (C002933) |
MUS 120 — Human Dimensions of Music |
3.00 |
MUS 1600 — Human Dimensions of Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Hillsborough Community College (C007870) |
MUL 1010 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Hiwassee College (C003494) |
MUSIC 1100 — Survey of Music |
3.00 |
Hofstra University (C002732) |
MUS 003 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Hollins College (C003715) |
MUS 200L — Western Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Holmes Community College (C002408) |
MU 113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Hopkinsville Community College (C001994) |
MUS 100 — Intr to Music |
3.00 |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (C004925) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Housatonic Community College (C004513) |
MUS E101 — Music History and Appreciation |
3.00 |
Hutchinson Community College (C001923) |
MU 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Illinois Central College (C006753) |
MUS 150 — What to Listen for in Music |
3.00 |
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (C009136) |
MUS 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Illinois State University (C001692) |
MUS 152 — Experience Music |
3.00 |
Illinois Valley Community College (C001705) |
MUS 1000 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Independence Community College (C001924) |
MUE 1303 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Indian Hills Community College (C008736) |
FA 107T — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Indiana Wesleyan University (C001822) |
MUS 170 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Iowa Lakes Community College (C001864) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Iowa State University (C001869) |
MUSIC 102 — Intro to Music Listening |
3.00 |
Iowa Western Community College (C008739) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Irvine Valley College (C029477) |
MUS 20 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Itasca Community College (C002356) |
MUSC 1111 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Ivy Tech Community College (C010037) |
HUMA 118 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Jackson State Community College (C004937) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Jackson State University (C002410) |
MUS 205 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Jacksonville State University (C001020) |
MU 233 — Introduction To Music |
3.00 |
MU 236 — Honors Intro to Music |
3.00 |
James Madison University (C003721) |
GMUS 200 — Music In General Culture |
3.00 |
MUS 200 — Music and Culture |
3.00 |
Jamestown Community College (C002869) |
MUS 1510 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Jefferson College (C007102) |
MSC 131 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Jefferson State Community College (C001022) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
John A Logan College (C008076) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
John Wood Community College (C012813) |
MUS 102 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Johnston Community College (C009336) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Judson University (C001700) |
MUS 181 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Kalamazoo Valley Community College (C006949) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Kaskaskia College (C001701) |
3.00 |
Kennesaw State University (C001577) |
MUSI 1107 — Arts in Society: Music |
3.00 |
Kent State University Main Campus (C003051) |
MUS 22111 — The Understanding of Music |
3.00 |
Kentucky State University (C001968) |
MUS 130 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Kilgore College (C003580) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Lake City Community College (C001501) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lake Land College (C007644) |
MUS 229 — Understanding Music |
3.00 |
Lake-Sumter Community College (C001502) |
MUH 2011 — Introduction/Music |
3.00 |
MUL 2010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lamar University-Beaumont (C003581) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lander College (C003435) |
MUSI 101 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Laramie County Community College (C009259) |
MUS 100 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Laurel Ridge Community College (C008659) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation I |
3.00 |
LeMoyne-Owen College (C003501) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lee College (C003583) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lee University (C003500) |
MUHL 211 — Music in Culture |
3.00 |
Leeward Community College (C004549) |
MUS 180 — Fund of West Mus |
3.00 |
Lenoir-Rhyne College (C002941) |
MUS 200 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lewis and Clark Community College (C010020) |
MUSI 130 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lincoln Land Community College (C007170) |
MUS 104 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lindenwood College (C002480) |
MUS 18623 — Special Topics/Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Lipscomb University (C003486) |
MU 1503 — Music Appreciation: Overview |
3.00 |
Lone Star College (C011145) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Long Island University Brooklyn Campus (C004779) |
MUS 61 — Music and Culture |
3.00 |
Los Angeles Valley College (C001228) |
MUSIC 111 — Music Appreciation I |
3.00 |
Los Medanos College (C010340) |
MUSIC 10 — Music Literature |
3.00 |
Louisiana Christian University (C002007) |
MU 200-B — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Louisiana State Univ Alexandria (C002011) |
MUSI 1751 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge (C002010) |
MUS 1751 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Louisiana Tech University (C002008) |
MUGN 290 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 330 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Loyola University Maryland (C002078) |
MU 203 — The Art of Listening |
3.00 |
Loyola University of Chicago (C001710) |
MUSC 101 — Music Art of Listening |
3.00 |
Lurleen B Wallace State Junior College (C008988) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Macomb Community College (C008319) |
MUSC 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Macon College (C007728) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Madison Area Technical College (C004007) |
20-805-227 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Manchester Community College (C001392) |
MUS 101 — Music His & Appreciation I |
3.00 |
Marion Military Institute (C001026) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Marist College (C002765) |
MUS 105L — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Marshall University (C003815) |
MUS 142 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
Mary Baldwin College (C003723) |
MUS 100 — Intro to Listening |
3.00 |
Mary Holmes College (C002412) |
MUS 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 11301 — Music Appreciat |
3.00 |
Mclennan Community College (C003590) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mcneese State University (C002017) |
MUSC 215 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 316 — Undrstng Clas Musc |
3.00 |
Metropolitan Community College -Missouri (C002484) |
MUSI 108 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Miami University-Oxford Campus (C007104) |
MUS 189 — Great Ideas in Western Music |
3.00 |
Middle Georgia State University (C001581) |
MUSI 1103 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Middle Tennessee State University (C003510) |
MUS 1030 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
MUSI 0310 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Middlesex Community College (CT) (C008038) |
MUS 101 — Music His & Appreciation I |
3.00 |
Midland College (C009797) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Midlands Technical College (C003993) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Midwestern State University (C003592) |
MUSC 1033 — Appreciatn of Music-Jazz/Rock |
3.00 |
Millsaps College (C002414) |
MUS 1100 — Masterworks Of Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
MUS 215 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 1100 — Masterworks of Music |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Milwaukee Area Technical College (C003866) |
MUSIC 205 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mineral Area College (C002486) |
MUS 1630 — Apprec of Music |
3.00 |
MUSH 1630 — Apprec of Music Honors |
3.00 |
Mission College (C021191) |
MUS 010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mississippi College (C002415) |
MUS 125 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999) |
MUS 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 1153 — Honors Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mississippi State University (C002423) |
MU 1113 — History and App of Music |
3.00 |
MUE 1113 — His & Appre of Music |
3.00 |
Mississippi University for Women (C002422) |
MUH 101 — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
MUH 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mississippi Valley State University (C002424) |
MU 107 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MU 1070 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
MUSI 107 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSIC 107 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Missouri Baptist College (C007540) |
MUHL 153 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
Missouri State University (C002503) |
MUS 241 — The Language of Music |
3.00 |
Mitchell Community College (C002947) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Moberly Area Community College (C002491) |
MUS 102 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Modesto Junior College (C001240) |
MUSIC 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Monmouth University (C002616) |
MU 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Montana State University - Billings (C002530) |
MUSI 101 — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
Montana State University-Bozeman (C002532) |
MUS 210FG — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
MUSI 101IA — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
Montgomery College (C006911) |
MU 110 — Listening to Music |
3.00 |
Moorpark College (C007115) |
MUS M08 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Moraine Valley Community College (C007692) |
MUS 107 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Morton College (C001728) |
MUS 108 — World Music Survey |
3.00 |
Motlow State Community College (C006836) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSA 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mount Saint Marys College - MD (C002086) |
CVMU 201 — West in the Modern World: Music |
3.00 |
Mount San Jacinto College (C001246) |
MUS 100 — Intro/Appreciation |
3.00 |
Mt San Antonio College (C001245) |
MUS 13 — Intro Music App |
3.00 |
Murray State College (C003158) |
MU 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Murray State University (C001977) |
MUS 105 — Introduction to Music History |
3.00 |
Napa Valley College (C001247) |
MUSI 112 — Sur & Appre Music |
3.00 |
Nashville State Community College (C007534) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Nassau Community College (C002873) |
MUS 100 — Listening to Music |
3.00 |
Naugatuck Valley Community College (C006982) |
MUS 101 — History & Appreciation Music |
3.00 |
Navarro College (C003593) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Neosho County Community College (C001936) |
MUSI 120 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
New Mexico Junior College (C002655) |
MU 213 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Nicholls State University (C002005) |
MUS 105 — General Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
North Carolina State University-Raleigh (C002972) |
MUS 200 — Understanding Music |
3.00 |
North Central Texas College (C003558) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
North Dakota State College of Science (C002996) |
MUSC 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northeast Mississippi Comm. College (C002426) |
MUSIC 216 — History & Appreciation of Mus |
3.00 |
Northeast Texas Community College (C023154) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and M (C003160) |
MUSC 2573 — Intro to Music Apprec |
3.00 |
MUSIC 1503 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northern Illinois University (C001737) |
MUSC 220 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Northern Michigan University (C002301) |
MU 125 — Music in Society |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Northern Oklahoma College (C003162) |
MUSC 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northern Virginia Community College (C003727) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation I |
3.00 |
Northshore Technical College (C006756) |
MUSC 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northwest - Shoals Community College (C005697) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation (Sem) |
3.00 |
Northwest Alabama Community College (C001032) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northwest Arkansas Community College (C000458) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Northwest College (C003931) |
MUSC 1000 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Northwest Florida State College (C001510) |
MUH 1001 — Humanit Music |
3.00 |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northwest Iowa Technical College (C004600) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Northwestern Oklahoma State University (C003163) |
HUM 2533 — Music in Life |
3.00 |
Norwalk Community College (C001399) |
MUS D101 — Music History and Appreciatio |
3.00 |
Oakland Community College (C008760) |
MUS 1560 — Understanding of Music |
3.00 |
Odessa College (C003596) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Oglethorpe University (C001586) |
COR 103 — Music and Culture |
3.00 |
1.00 |
MUSC 131 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Ohio Wesleyan University (C003109) |
MUS 105 — Appreciatn Mus Lit |
3.00 |
0.70 |
Oklahoma State University Main Campus (C003170) |
MUSI 2573 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Orange Coast College (C001250) |
MUS A105 — Music from Bach to Rock |
3.00 |
Oregon State University (C003210) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation I: Survey |
3.00 |
MUS 102 — Music App II/Film Music Hist |
1.00 |
Otero Junior College (C001362) |
MUS 120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Palm Beach State College (C001512) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Palo Alto College (C023413) |
MUSI 1305 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Panola College (C003600) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Paris Junior College (C003601) |
MUS 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Parkland College (C007118) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Pasadena City College (C001261) |
MUSC 021 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Pasco-Hernando State College (C010652) |
MUL 1110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Pellissippi State Community College (C012693) |
MUS 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Pennsylvania State University (C003329) |
MUSIC 5 — Intro/Westrn Music |
3.00 |
Pennsylvania Western University (C003316) |
MUS 100 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Pensacola State College (C001513) |
MUH 2011 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUL 2010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Philander Smith College (C001103) |
MUS 103 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Phillips Community College of Univ Ark (C001104) |
MSC 223 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Phoenix Community College (C001078) |
MHL 140 — Survey of Music History |
3.00 |
Pikes Peak Community College (C008896) |
MUS 1020 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Pitt Community College (C004062) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Polk Community College (C001514) |
MUL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Pomona College (C001173) |
MUS 051 — Wstrn Mus: Beethoven to Present |
3.00 |
1.00 |
Prairie State College (C001640) |
MUSIC 130 — Intro Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Prairie View A&M University (C003630) |
MUSC 1313 — Music in Contemporary Life |
3.00 |
Pratt Community College (C001938) |
MUS 176 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Pulaski Technical College (Z000463) |
MUSC 2300 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Purdue University Main Campus (C001825) |
MUS 250 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Purdue University North Central Campus (C001826) |
MUS 250 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Quincy University (C001745) |
MUS 117 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Quinnipiac College (C001402) |
MU 130 — Understanding Music |
3.00 |
Radford University (C003732) |
MUSC 121 — The Art of Music |
3.00 |
Randolph-Macon College (C003733) |
MUSC 200 — Musical Experience |
3.00 |
Rend Lake College (C007119) |
MUS 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSI 1100 — Appreciation |
3.00 |
Rhode Island College (C003407) |
MUS 201 — Survey of Music |
3.00 |
Rhodes College (C003519) |
MUSC 101 — Music: A Sound Experience |
3.00 |
MUSIC 101 — Music-A Sound Experience |
3.00 |
Richland Community College (C010879) |
MUSIC 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Rio Hondo College (C001269) |
MUSIC 133 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Rio Salado Community College (C021775) |
MHL 140 — Survey of Music History |
3.00 |
Riverside City College (Z055516) |
MUS 19 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Roane State Community College (C009914) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Rogers State College (C003168) |
HUM 2573 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Rowan University (C002609) |
MUSG 06109 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College (C005754) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Saddleback College (C008918) |
MUS 20 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Saint Leo University (C001526) |
MUS 123 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Saint Louis Community College (C002471) |
MUS 114 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 114 — The Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
Saint Louis University Main Campus (C002506) |
FPAA 100 — Approaching Arts: Music |
3.00 |
MUSC 100 — Approaching the Arts: Music |
3.00 |
Saint Petersburg College (C001528) |
MUH 1110 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Salisbury State University (C002091) |
MUSC 114 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Salt Lake Community College (C005220) |
MUSC 1010 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Sam Houston State University (C003606) |
MUS 265 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
San Antonio College (C009163) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
San Diego Christian College (C012031) |
MU 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
San Diego City College (C008895) |
MUSI 100 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
San Diego Miramar College (C012662) |
MUSI 100 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
San Jacinto College - All Campuses (C003609) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
San Jose State University (C001155) |
MUSC 10A — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Sandhills Community College (C002961) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Santa Barbara City College (C001285) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 5 — Music Hist & Apprec |
3.00 |
Santa Fe College (C001519) |
MUL 1010 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Santa Rosa Junior College (C001287) |
MUSC 7 — Classical Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Savannah College of Art and Design (C015022) |
MUSC 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Schoolcraft College (C002315) |
MUSIC 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Selma University (C001037) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Seminole State College of Florida (C001520) |
MUL 2010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Shawnee Community College (C007693) |
MUS 0115 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Shelby State Community College NA (C010439) |
MUSC 1070 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Shelton State Community College (C005691) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania (C003326) |
MUS 121 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Siena College (C002816) |
CREA 103 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Sierra College (C001290) |
MUS 0002 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Sinclair Community College (C003119) |
MUS 1121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (C003327) |
MUSI 101 — Exploring Music |
3.00 |
Snead State Community College (C001038) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
South Dakota State University (C003471) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
South Florida Community College (C001522) |
MUH 2111 — Mus His App |
3.00 |
South Georgia College (C001592) |
MUSC 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
South Piedmont Community College (C007985) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
South Suburban College (C001769) |
MUS 123 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southeast Arkansas College (Z000464) |
MUSI 2333 — Music History and Appr |
3.00 |
Southeast Kentucky Community & Tech Col. (C001998) |
MUS 100 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Southeast Missouri State University (C002501) |
MU 182 — Music: An Artistic Expression |
3.00 |
Southeastern Illinois College (C001757) |
MUS 121 — Mus Apprec |
3.00 |
Southeastern Louisiana University (C002024) |
MUS 151 — Introduction To Music |
3.00 |
Southeastern University (FL) (C001521) |
MUSC 1003 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southern Adventist University (C003518) |
MUHL 115 — Listening to Music |
3.00 |
Southern Arkansas University Main Campus (C001107) |
MUS 2013 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southern Arkansas University Technical B (C007738) |
MUS 2013 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southern College of Technology (C001570) |
ARTS 2003 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsv (C001759) |
MUS 111 — Intro to Music History/Literature |
3.00 |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale (C001758) |
MUS 103 — Music Understanding |
3.00 |
Southern Methodist University (C003613) |
MUHI 1321 — Music: Art of Listening |
3.00 |
Southern Union State Community College (C001040) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southern University A&M College (C002025) |
MUSC 200 — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
Southwest Baptist University (C002502) |
FAR 1023 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Southwest Tennessee Community College (C500121) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 1070 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southwestern College (CA) (C001294) |
MUS 105 — Introduction to Musi |
3.00 |
Southwestern Community College(NC) (C008466) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Southwestern Illinois College (C001636) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Spartanburg Community College (C003994) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Spokane Falls Community College (C009544) |
MUSIC 107 — Intro Music |
3.00 |
0.33 |
St Charles Community College (C025306) |
MUS 111 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
St Philips College (C003608) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Stanly Community College (C011194) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
State College of Florida (C001504) |
MUL 2010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
State Fair Community College (C008080) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
State Technical Institute of Memphis NA (C007105) |
MU 1005 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Stephen F. Austin State University (C003624) |
MUS 140 — Ma: Art Music |
3.00 |
Sterling College (KS) (C001945) |
MU 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Suffolk County Community College Eastern (C004816) |
MUS 101 — Understanding Music |
3.00 |
Suny Ulster County Community College (C002880) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Suny Westchester Commmunity College (C002881) |
MUSIC 150 — Music Appreciation 1 |
3.00 |
Tacoma Community College (C003796) |
MUSC 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Tallahassee Community College (C001533) |
MUH 2011 — Introduction to Music History |
3.00 |
Tarrant County Junior College District (C008898) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Technical College of The Lowcountry (C009910) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Tennessee State University (C003522) |
MUSC 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Tennessee Technological University (C003523) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Texarkana College (C003628) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi (C011161) |
MUSI 1306 — Understanding-Enjoying Music |
3.00 |
Texas A&M University (C003632) |
MUSC 201 — Mus & Human Experience |
3.00 |
MUSI 1306 — Understanding-Enjoying Music |
3.00 |
Texas Christian University (C003636) |
MUSI 10053 — Survey of Music |
3.00 |
MUSI 10073 — From Rock to Bach |
3.00 |
Texas Southern University (C003642) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Texas Tech University (C003644) |
MUHL 1308 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
The Univ. of Texas Rio Grande Valley (C003599) |
MUS 1307 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
The University of Alabama (C001051) |
MUS 121 — Introduction To Listening |
3.00 |
The University of Louisiana at Monroe (C002020) |
MUSC 1091 — Enjoyment |
3.00 |
MUSC 191 — Enjoyment |
3.00 |
The University of Tennessee Southern (C003504) |
MUS 231 — Music Western Civ |
3.00 |
MUS 233 — Mus in Glob Soc |
3.00 |
The University of The South (C003534) |
MUSC 101 — Music Of Western Civ |
3.00 |
1.00 |
The University of West Georgia (C001601) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Thomas Nelson Community College (C006871) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation I |
3.00 |
Three Rivers College - MO (C004713) |
MUSC 123 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Tougaloo College (C002439) |
MUS 101 — Introduction To Music |
3.00 |
Tri-County Community College (C009430) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Tri-County Technical College (C004926) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Trident Technical College (C008818) |
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Trinity Valley Community College (C003572) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUST 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Triton College (C001773) |
MUS 110 — Listening to Music |
3.00 |
Truckee Meadows Community College (C021077) |
MUS 121 — Musica Appreciation |
3.00 |
Truett Mcconnell College (C001597) |
MU 105 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Tulane University of Louisiana (C002029) |
MUS 106 — Survey of European Art and Music |
3.00 |
MUSC 1050 — The Art of Listening |
3.00 |
MUSC 2420 — World Musics |
3.00 |
Tulsa Junior College (C009763) |
MUS 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Tunxis Community College (C009764) |
MUS 101 — Music History and Appreciation I |
3.00 |
Tyler Junior College (C003648) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Alabama at Birmingham (C001052) |
MU 120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Alabama in Huntsville (C001055) |
MU 100 — Introduction To Music Literature |
3.00 |
University of Alaska Anchorage (C011462) |
MUS A121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff (C001086) |
MUSI 2330 — Music History/Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock (C001101) |
MUHL 2305 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (C001108) |
MLIT 1003 — Basic Course In The Arts:Music Lecture |
3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith (C001110) |
MUSI 2763 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Monticello (C001085) |
MUS 1113 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Central Arkansas (C001092) |
MUS 2300 — Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Central Florida (C003954) |
MUL 2010 — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
University of Chicago (C001774) |
MUSI 10400 — Intro:Music Analysis/Criticism |
3.00 |
0.33 |
University of Colorado at Boulder (C001370) |
MUEL 1832 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (C004509) |
MUS 1000 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
University of Connecticut (C001417) |
MUSI 191 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Delaware (C001431) |
MUSC 101 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
University of Georgia (C001598) |
MUS 2020 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
MUSI 2020 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
University of Illinois-Urbana Campus (C001775) |
MUS 130 — Introd to the Art of Music |
3.00 |
University of Kansas Main Campus (C001948) |
MUSC 136 — Masterworks of Music |
3.00 |
University of Kentucky (C001989) |
MUS 100 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
MUS 220 — Symphonic Music |
3.00 |
University of Laverne (C001216) |
MUS 100 — Mus Hist & Appreciation |
3.00 |
1.00 |
University of Louisana at Lafayette (C002031) |
MUS 105 — Mus App: Survey of Styles |
3.00 |
MUS 300 — Music Appreciation: A Survey Of Styles |
3.00 |
University of Louisville (C001999) |
MUH 204 — Music in Western Civ - A |
3.00 |
University of Lynchburg (C003720) |
MUSC 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Mary Hardin Baylor (C003588) |
MUSI 1340 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Mary Washington (C003746) |
MUHL 151 — Great Musical Masterworks |
3.00 |
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth (C002210) |
MUS 101 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
University of Massachusetts at Amherst (C002221) |
MUSIC 100 — Appreciation-Intro |
3.00 |
1.00 |
University of Memphis (C003509) |
MUHL 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSC 1131 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Miami (C001536) |
MCY 131 — Understand Music |
3.00 |
University of Missouri-Columbia (C002516) |
MUSIC 21 — Masterpiece Westrn Music |
3.00 |
University of Mobile (C001029) |
MU 111 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Montana (C002536) |
MUS 134L — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Montevallo (C001004) |
MUS 121 — Invitation to Listening |
3.00 |
University of Nevada-Reno (C002568) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of New Mexico Main Campus (C002663) |
MUS 139 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSIC 139 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of New Orleans (C002015) |
MUS 1000 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUS 1001 — Mus Apprec-Bar/Clas |
3.00 |
MUS 2001 — Austr Classic Music: Then & Now |
3.00 |
University of North Alabama (C001016) |
MU 222 — Music Appreciation I |
3.00 |
University of North Carolina Wilmington (C002984) |
MUS 115 — Survey of Music Lit |
3.00 |
University of North Carolina at Charlott (C002975) |
LBST 1103 — Arts and Society:Music |
3.00 |
University of North Carolina at Greensbo (C002976) |
MUS 241 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of North Florida (C009841) |
MUH 2012 — Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
University of North Georgia (C001585) |
MUSC 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of North Texas (C003594) |
MUMH 2040 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (C003184) |
MUNM 1113 — Understanding Music |
3.00 |
University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Ca (C007108) |
MUSI 3145 — Intro to Repert Music Art |
3.00 |
University of Rhode Island (C003414) |
MUS 101 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
University of San Diego (C010395) |
MUSC 130 — Music in Society |
3.00 |
University of South Alabama (C001057) |
MUL 101 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
University of South Carolina-Columbia (C003448) |
MUSC 110 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
University of South Dakota (C003474) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation: Rock & Roll |
3.00 |
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441) |
MUS 365 — The Enjoyment of Music |
3.00 |
University of Tampa (C001538) |
MUS 102 — Music for Life |
3.00 |
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (C003529) |
MUS 111 — Intro To Music |
3.00 |
MUS 1110 — Intro To Music |
3.00 |
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (C003530) |
MUCO 110 — Intro/Music Western Culture |
3.00 |
MUSHI 110 — Intro Music West Culture |
3.00 |
MUSIC 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSIC 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Texas San Antonio (C010115) |
MUS 2683 — Masterpieces of Music |
3.00 |
University of Texas at Arlington (C003656) |
MUSI 1300 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Texas at El Paso (C003661) |
MUS 1307 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Texas at Tyler (C011163) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Utah (C003675) |
MUSC 1010 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
University of West Florida (C003955) |
MUH 2110 — Music in West Civil |
3.00 |
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (C009630) |
MUSIC 219 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
University of Wisconsin - Parkside (C005015) |
MUSI 104 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (C003917) |
MUSI 110 — Music Appreciatn |
3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (C003924) |
MUS 100 — Apprec & Hist of Music |
3.00 |
Utah State University (C003677) |
MUSC 1010 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
Utah Valley State College (C004027) |
MUSC 1010 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Valdosta State College (C001599) |
MUSC 1100 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Valencia Community College (C006750) |
MUL 1010 — Music Apprec |
3.00 |
Vanderbilt University (C003535) |
MUSL 183 — Music, Arts & Ideas |
3.00 |
Vincennes University (C001843) |
MUSI 218 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Virginia Highlands Community College (C007099) |
MUS 121 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Virginia Intermont College (C003752) |
MUS 210 — Intro to Performing Arts |
3.00 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State (C003754) |
MUS 1104 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Volunteer State Community College (C009912) |
MUS 100 — Fundamentals of Music |
3.00 |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wake Forest University (C002978) |
MUS 101 — Intro to Western Music |
3.00 |
Wake Technical Community College (C004844) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wallace State Comm Col - Hanceville (C007871) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Walters State Community College (C008863) |
MUS 1030 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Washington Technical College (C010453) |
MUSC 1200 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Weatherford College (C003664) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wentworth Military Academy (C002522) |
ART 102 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
West Georgia Technical College (C005614) |
MUSC 1101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
West Kentucky Community & Technical Coll (C001979) |
MUS 100 — Intro to Music |
3.00 |
West Liberty State College (C003823) |
MUS 130 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
West Virginia State University (C003826) |
MUS 107 — Appreciation of Music |
3.00 |
West Virginia University (C003827) |
MUSC 111 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Western Carolina University (C002981) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Western Colorado University (C001372) |
MUS 140 — Introduction to Music |
3.00 |
Western Kentucky University (C002002) |
MUS 120 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Western Texas College (C009549) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wharton County Junior College (C003668) |
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Whatcom Community College (C010364) |
MUSIC 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
0.33 |
Wilkes Community College (C002983) |
MUS 110 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
William Carey University (C002447) |
MHL 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MHL 1010 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUM 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Williams Baptist College (C001106) |
MU 2143 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Windward Community College (C010390) |
MUS 106 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wingate College (C002985) |
MUS 106 — Music in Western Civilization |
3.00 |
Winthrop University (C003456) |
MUST 298 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wofford College (C003457) |
MUS 201 — The Understanding of Music |
3.00 |
Wor-Wic Tech Community College (C020739) |
MUS 101 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Wright State University Main Campus (C009168) |
MUS 2140 — Music In Western Culture |
3.00 |
Yavapai College (C001079) |
MUS 240 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
York College Pennsylvania (C003399) |
MUS 186 — Listening to Music |
3.00 |
Young Harris College (C001604) |
MUS 100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
MUSI 1100 — Music Appreciation |
3.00 |
Youngstown State University (C003145) |
MUED 2621 — Music Lit & Apprectn |
3.00 |