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Office of the Registrar
The University of Mississippi

UM Transfer Course Equivalencies

Equivalencies for PH 391Special Topics in Health

School Course Name UM Credits
Alcorn State University (C002396)
HS 224 — Family Health 3.00
Appalachian State University (C002906)
HPE 3645 — Health Educ in Elem School 3.00
Arizona State University (C001081)
HCD 210 — Cultural Aspects Health 3.00
Arkansas State University Main Campus (C001090)
DPEM 2233 — Healthcare Emergency Mgmt 3.00
Auburn University Main Campus (C001009)
HDFS 2013 — Lifespan Human Dev in Family Context 3.00
Brigham Young University (C003670)
EXSC 221 — Science of Wellness 3.00
EXSC 410 — Stress Management 3.00
HLTH 383 — Mind/Body Health 3.00
California State University-Fresno (C001147)
PH 91 — Intro Human Sex 3.00
Central Michigan University (C002243)
HSC 235 — Psychoactive Drugs 3.00
Century Community and Tech College (C010546)
HLTH 1060 — Drug Education 3.00
Dekalb Technical Institute (C005622)
ECCE 1105 — Health, Safety and Nutrition 3.00
Delta State University (C002403)
HCA 302 — Intro to Healthcare Systems 3.00
HCA 335 — Healthcare Ethics & Diversity 3.00
Diablo Valley College (C001191)
HSCI 127 — Drugs, Health and Society 3.00
Dillard University (C002004)
PBH 320 — Health Informatics 3.00
East Carolina University (C002923)
HLTH 3355 — Alc Tob and Ot Drugs Edu Prev 3.00
Excelsior College (C014251)
HSC 240 — Addictions in America 3.00
Gateway Technical College (C010883)
550-130 — Alcohol/Drug Abuse Rehab 3.00
Harford Community College (C002075)
HLTH 107 — Stress Management 3.00
Indiana University-Bloomington (C001809)
SPH-H 180 — Stress Prevention & Management 3.00
SPH-K 150 — Intro to Kine and Ph 3.00
Jacksonville State University (C001020)
EM 307 — Pandemics & Pestilence 3.00
John A Logan College (C008076)
HTH 120 — Human Sexuality 3.00
Liberty University (C010392)
HLTH 252 — Drugs in Society 3.00
HLTH 330 — Human Nutrition 3.00
Miami University-Oxford Campus (C007104)
KNH 221 — Social Marketing in Public Health 3.00
Millikin University (C001724)
ES 335 — Organizatiion & Administration 3.00
Murray State University (C001977)
HEA 480 — SP: Peer Education 3.00
Northwest Indian College - all (C021800)
HUMS 208 — Law & Ethics in Chem Dependency 3.00
Radford University (C003732)
HLTH 451 — Drug Use & Abuse 3.00
HLTH 453 — Citizen Leader: Human Sexuality 3.00
HLTH 480 — Health Comm & Coaching 3.00
Southeastern Louisiana University (C002024)
HSM 200 — US Healthcare Organ Deli 3.00
Southern Arkansas University Main Campus (C001107)
HS 4023 — Pharmacology/Sports 3.00
Stockton State College (C009345)
PUBH 2432 — Contemporary Health Issues 4.00
Suny College at Brockport (C002841)
PBH 419 — Human Sexuality 3.00
Texas Christian University (C003636)
HLTH 30213 — Hlt Aspct/Human Sexuality 3.00
The University of Alabama (C001051)
HHE 378 — Drug Awareness Education 3.00
University of Alabama at Birmingham (C001052)
CHHS 342 — Heallth Education Specialist 3.00
CHHS 402 — Mental Health and Stress Management 3.00
University of Central Florida (C003954)
HSC 3593 — HIV Disease: A Human Concern 3.00
University of Hawaii at Manoa (C001610)
HDFS 230 — Human Development 3.00
University of Kentucky (C001989)
CHS 150 — Intro to Interprof Healthcare Seminar 3.00
University of Louisana at Lafayette (C002031)
HLTH 218 — Drugs and Society 3.00
University of Maryland-College Park (C002103)
HLTH 246 — US Tobacco Epicemic 3.00
University of North Florida (C009841)
CLP 2180 — Stress Management 3.00
HSC 4133 — Sexuality Education 3.00
HSC 4134 — Mental/Emotional Health Ed 3.00
HSC 4150 — Subst Abuse/Violence Prevent 3.00
HSC 4563 — Dimensions of Health Older Adult 3.00
University of Northern Colorado (C001349)
CH 205 — Issues in Health 3.00
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (C003184)
HES 1823 — Scientific Prin-Health/Disease 3.00
HES 3000 — Adolescent Health 3.00
University of Utah (C003675)
H EDU 1030 — Substance Use/Abuse 3.00
University of Washington (C003798)
EPI 220 — Sti Cause & Conseq 3.00
Vanderbilt University (C003535)
HOD 1250 — Applied Human Developmnt 3.00
HOD 1300 — Small Group Behavior 3.00
HOD 2400 — Talent Managemnt&Org Fit 3.00
MHS 1950 — Theories of the Body 3.00
MHS 2250 — War and the Body 3.00
MHS 2330 — Men's Health Research & Policy 3.00
MHS 3120 — Medicine, Technology and Soc 3.00
MHS 3890 — Special Topics 3.00
Ventura College (C001334)
HED V04 — Health and Wellness: Men 3.00
Western Kentucky University (C002002)
PH 468 — Sexuality Education 3.00