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Office of the Registrar
The University of Mississippi

UM Transfer Course Equivalencies

Bennington College

EO/FICE Code: C003682

Bennington College Course(s) UM Equivalent Credits
ANT 2204 — Part in Pol: The Anthro of Democracy ANTH 3XX – Generic 300 Level Anthropology 4.00
APA 2101 — Fundamentals of Advancing Public Action UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 4.00
AST 2101 — The Process of Astronomy UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 4.00
BIO 2111 — Introduction to Cell Biology Bisc 1XXL – Generic 100 Level Biology Lab 4.00
BIO 4317 — Biogeography, Paleoecology, and Hmn Orig Bisc 3XXL – Generic 300 Level Biology Lab 4.00
DAN 2107 — First-Year Dance Intensive DANC 1XX – Generic 100 Level Dance 4.00
DAN 2156 — Hyper Body EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
DAN 2210 — Movement Practice: Contact Improv UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 1.00
DAN 2212 — Movement Practice: Moving Out UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
DAN 2307 — Contemporary African I/Burkina Faso DANC 1XX – Generic 100 Level Dance 2.00
DRA 2106 — Reader's Theatre UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 4.00
DRA 2170 — The Actor's Instrument UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 4.00
DRA 2212 — History of Dress Part II:Rococo to Moder THEA 3XX – Generic 300 Level Theatre 2.00
DRA 4127 — An Actor's Technique-Nuts & Bolts UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 4.00
DRA 4272 — Sensory Exploration Lab UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 2.00
DRA 4409 — Transformational Acting THEA 3XX – Generic 300 Level Theatre 4.00
ES 2101 — Geology of Bennington Region Geol 2XX – Generic 200 Level Geology 4.00
ES 2102 — Environmental Geology Geol 104 – Environmental Geology - Hazards [UM Catalog] 3.00
Geol 114 – Environmental Geology-Hazards Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
ES 4102 — Earth Materials Geol 4XX – Generic 400 Level Geology 4.00
ES 4696 — Grp Tutorial: Interm Methds in Earth Sci Geol 4XX – Generic 400 Level Geology 2.00
HIS 2102 — Gender in Early Modern Europe HST 3XX – Generic 300 Level History 4.00
LIT 2104 — Style and Tone in Nonfiction Eng 402 – Advanced Nonfiction Workshop [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 4XX – Generic 400 Level English 1.00
LIT 2110 — Pathways: An Introduction to Writing Eng 305 – Advanced Writing for English Majors [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 1.00
LIT 2122 — The Problem of Sylvia Plath ENG 2XX – Generic 200 Level English 2.00
LIT 2124 — Readings in Chaucer ENG 2XX – Generic 200 Level English 4.00
LIT 2139 — American Humor 1900-1939 ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 4.00
LIT 2147 — American Film History Eng 310 – Introduction to Cinema Studies [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 1.00
LIT 2165 — Literary Left Bank Paris-Between the War ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 4.00
LIT 2214 — Shakespeare: The History Plays ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 4.00
LIT 2214 — Shakespeare: The History Plays Eng 324 – Shakespeare [UM Catalog] 3.00
LIT 2218 — Shakespeare: The Poetry ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 5.00
LIT 2218 — Shakespeare: The Poetry ENG 3XX – Generic 300 Level English 4.00
LIT 2231 — Readings in Twain Engl 436 – Major Author of the 19th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 4XX – Generic 400 Level English 1.00
LIT 2394 — Fundamentals of Creative Writing Eng 199 – Introduction to Creative Writing [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 1.00
LIT 4154 — Reading and Writing Memoir Eng 402 – Advanced Nonfiction Workshop [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 4XX – Generic 400 Level English 1.00
MAT 2115 — Introduction to Pure Mathematics MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 4.00
MAT 4120 — Mathematics of Fundamental Laws MATH 3XX – Generic 300 Level Mathematics 4.00
MAT 4318 — Adv Multivariable Cal and Intro Diff Geo Math 264 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MAT 4695 — Tutorial: Linear Alg & Quantum Mechanics MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 2.00
MOD 2109 — Frame and Focus UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
PEC 2250 — Microeconomics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 2XX – Generic 200 Level Economics 1.00
PEC 4696 — Grp Tutorial: Topics in Political Econ ECON 2XX – Generic 200 Level Economics 2.00
PHI 2123 — Philosophy of Love and Friendship PHIL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Philosophy 4.00
PHI 2139 — Ancient Greek Philosophy Phil 301 – History of Philosophy I [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Philosophy 1.00
PHO 2302 — Photography Foundation Art 383 – Intermediate Imaging Arts [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 38X – Generic 300 Level Art Imaging Arts [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHY 4104 — Thermal Physics Phys 309 – Thermodynamics [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 3XX – Generic 300 Level Physics 1.00
PHY 4235 — Physics I Phys 213 – General Physics I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 223 – Laboratory Physics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHY 4325 — Physics II: Fields Phys 214 – General Physics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 224 – Laboratory Physics II [UM Catalog] 1.00
POL 2206 — Global Politics Pol 103 – Introduction to International Relations [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Political Science 1.00
POL 2250 — Democratization in Africa POL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Political Science 4.00
PSY 2204 — Normality and Abnormality PSY 3XX – Generic 300 Level Psychology 4.00