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Office of the Registrar
The University of Mississippi

UM Transfer Course Equivalencies

Midlands Technical College

EO/FICE Code: C003993

Midlands Technical College Course(s) UM Equivalent Credits Equivalency Validity
ACC 101 — Accounting Principles I Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ACC 102 — Accounting Principles II Accy 202 – Introduction to Accounting Principles II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ANT 202 — Cultural Anthropology Anth 101 – Introduction to Anthropology [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ART 101 — Art History And Appreciation AH 101 – Introduction to Western Art [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ART 105 — Film as Art Thea 202 – Introduction to Cinema [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
AST 101 — Solar System Astro Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
AST 102 — Stellar Astronomy Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BIO 101 — Biological Science Bisc 102 – Inquiry Into Life: Human Biology [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Bisc 103 – Inquiry into Life Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIO 102 — Biological Science Bisc 104 – Inquiry into Life: The Environment [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Bisc 105 – Inquiry into Life Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIO 112 — Basic Anatomy & Ph Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BUS 101 — Introduction to Bu UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BUS 121 — Business Law I Bus 250 – Legal Environment of Business [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BUS 130 — Business Communications Bus 271 – Business Communication [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
CHM 110 — College Chemistry I Chem 105 – General Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Chem 115 – General Chemistry Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHM 111 — College Chemistry II Chem 106 – General Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Chem 116 – General Chemistry Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
CPT 101 — Intro to Computers Csci 103 – Survey of Computing [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
CRJ 101 — Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 100 – Introduction to Criminal Justice [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ECO 210 — Macroeconomics Econ 203 – Principles of Macroeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ECO 211 — Microeconomics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
EGR 260 — Engineering Statics ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
EGR 262 — Engineering Dynamics ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
EGR 266 — Engr Thermodynamics Fund ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
EGR 275 — Intro to Engr/Com Graph ENGR 1XX – Generic 100 Level Engineering 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENG 101 — English Composition I Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00 08/22/2011 - 12/31/9999
ENG 102 — English Composition II Writ 102 – First-Year Writing II [UM Catalog] 3.00 08/22/2011 - 12/31/9999
ENG 203 — American Lit Surve Eng 224 – Survey of American Lit since Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENG 205 — English Literature I Eng 225 – Survey of British Lit to 18th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENG 206 — English Literature II Eng 226 – Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENG 208 — World Literature I Eng 221 – Survey of World Literature to 1650 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENG 209 — World Literature II Eng 222 – Survey of World Literature since 1650 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIS 101 — Western Civ to 1689 Hst 120 – Intro to European History to 1648 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIS 102 — Western Civ Post Hst 121 – Intro to European History since 1648 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIS 106 — Intro to African H Hst 170 – Intro to African History [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIS 201 — Amer Hist: Disc to Hst 130 – Intro to US History to 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIS 202 — Amer Hist: 1877 to Present Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIS 202 — Amer Hist: 1877 to Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MAT 110 — College Algebra Math 121 – College Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MAT 111 — College Trigonometry Math 123 – Trigonometry [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MAT 120 — Probability & Stat Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MAT 130 — Elementary Calculus Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MAT 140 — Analyt Geometry & Cal I Math 261 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MAT 141 — Analyt Geometry & Cal II Math 262 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MKT 101 — Marketing UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MUS 105 — Music Appreciation Mus 103 – Introduction to Music [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHY 221 — University Physics I Phys 211 – Physics for Science & Engineering I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Phys 221 – Lab Physics for Science & Engineering I [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHY 222 — University Physics II Phys 212 – Physics for Science & Engineering II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Phys 222 – Lab Physics for Science & Engineering II [UM Catalog] 1.00
PSY 201 — General Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
REL 103 — Comparative Religion Rel 101 – Introduction to Religion [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SOC 101 — Intro to Sociology Soc 101 – Introductory Sociology I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SOC 22O — Sociology of the Family UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPA 101 — Elementary Spanish I Span 101 – Elementary Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 1.00
SPA 102 — Elementary Spanish II Span 102 – Elementary Spanish II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 1.00
SPC 205 — Public Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999