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Office of the Registrar
The University of Mississippi

UM Transfer Course Equivalencies

Navarro College

EO/FICE Code: C003593

Navarro College Course(s) UM Equivalent Credits Equivalency Validity
Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1325 — Math for Bus. & Social Sc Math 268 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ACCT 2301 — Priniples of Financial Accounting Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ACCT 2302 — Principles of Managerial Accounting Accy 202 – Introduction to Accounting Principles II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ACCT 2401 — Principles of Financial A Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ACCY 2XX – Generic 200 Level Accountancy 1.00
ANTH 2346 — General Anthropology Anth 103 – Topics in Anthropology [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ARTS 1000 — Arts by Title ART 1XX – Generic 100 Level Art 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ARTS 1301 — Art Appreciation AH 101 – Introduction to Western Art [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ARTS 1303 — Art History I AH 201 – History of Art I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ARTS 1304 — Art History II AH 202 – History of Art II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BCIS 1305 — BCIS Csci 191 – Office Applications [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BIOL 1000 — Biology By Title Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BIOL 1406 — General Biology I Bisc 160 – Biological Sciences I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Bisc 161 – Biological Sciences I Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1407 — General Biology II Bisc 162 – Biological Sciences II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Bisc 163 – Biological Sciences II Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1408 — Biology Non-Science Major Bisc 102 – Inquiry Into Life: Human Biology [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Bisc 103 – Inquiry into Life Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1409 — Biology Non-Science Major Bisc 104 – Inquiry into Life: The Environment [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Bisc 105 – Inquiry into Life Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 2401 — Anatomy and Physiology Bisc 206 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I [UM Catalog] 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BIOL 2402 — Anatomy and Physiology Bisc 207 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II [UM Catalog] 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BMGT 1327 — Principles of Management BUS 2XX – Generic 200 Level Business 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BMGT 2309 — Leadership UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BUSG 1315 — Small Business Operations UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BUSI 1301 — Business Principles UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
BUSI 2301 — Business Law Bus 250 – Legal Environment of Business [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
C S 1114 — Intro to Computer Science Csci 103 – Survey of Computing [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
CSCI 1XX – Generic 100 Level Computer & Info Sci 1.00
CHEM 1411 — General Chemistry I Chem 105 – General Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Chem 115 – General Chemistry Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 1412 — General Chemistry II Chem 106 – General Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Chem 116 – General Chemistry Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
COSC 1000 — Cosc by Title UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
COSC 1301 — Intro to Computing Csci 191 – Office Applications [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
COSC 1401 — Microcomputer Application Csci 191 – Office Applications [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
CSCI 1XX – Generic 100 Level Computer & Info Sci 1.00
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre Thea 201 – Appreciation of the Theatre [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
DRAM 1351 — Acting I THEA 1XX – Generic 100 Level Theatre 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ECON 2301 — Principles of Economics Econ 203 – Principles of Macroeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ECON 2302 — Principles of Economics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 1000 — Engl by Title ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 2.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 1013 — Comp & Rhetoric I UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 1301 — Composition and Rhetoric Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00 08/22/2011 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 1302 — Composition & Rhetoric II Writ 102 – First-Year Writing II [UM Catalog] 3.00 08/22/2011 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 2311 — Technical and Business Writing UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 2322 — British Literature I Eng 225 – Survey of British Lit to 18th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 2323 — British Literature II Eng 226 – Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 2332 — World Literature Eng 221 – Survey of World Literature to 1650 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENGL 2333 — World Literature Eng 222 – Survey of World Literature since 1650 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ENVR 1401 — Environmental Science I Geol 105 – Environmental Geology - Resources [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Geol 115 – Environmental Geology - Resources Lab [UM Catalog] 1.00
GOVT 2305 — American National Governm Pol 101 – Introduction to American Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
GOVT 2306 — State and Local Governmen POL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Political Science 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIST 1301 — American History Hst 130 – Intro to US History to 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIST 1302 — American History Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
HIST 2013 — American History UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1114 — Jogging I EL 156 – Jogging [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1114 — Jogging I EL 156 – Jogging [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1115 — Jogging II EL 156 – Jogging [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1130 — Varsity Football I EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1131 — Varsity Football II EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1136 — Weightlifting I EL 151 – Weight Lifting [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1137 — Weightlifting II EL 151 – Weight Lifting [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1146 — Fitness Walking I EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1306 — First Aid PH 203 – First Aid and CPR [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 1338 — Concepts of Physical Fitness PH 191 – Personal and Community Health [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 2130 — Varsity Football III EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 2131 — Varsity Football IV EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 2136 — Weightlifting III EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
KINE 2137 — Weightlifting IV EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1314 — College Algebra Math 121 – College Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1316 — Plane Trigonometry Math 123 – Trigonometry [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1324 — Math fo Bus. & Social Sc Math 167 – Business Mathematics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1325 — Math for Bus. & Social Sc Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1332 — College Math I Math 245 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1333 — College Math II Math 246 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1342 — Statistical Methods Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1413 — Math for Bus & Soc Science Math UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 2342 — Elementary Statistical Methods Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 2412 — Pre-Calculus with Analytic Geom Math 125 – Basic Mathematics for Science & Eng [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 1XX – Generic 100 Level Mathematics 1.00
MATH 2413 — Calculus I with Analytic Geometry Math 261 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MRKG 1302 — Principles of Retailing UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MRKG 1311 — Principles of Marketing BUS 2XX – Generic 200 Level Business 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
MUSI 1306 — Music Appreciation Mus 103 – Introduction to Music [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
ORIN 1100 — Educational & Career Plan UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHED 1104 — Bowling I EL 137 – Bowling [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHED 1130 — Varsity Football EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHED 1131 — Varsity Football II EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHED 1136 — Weightlifting I-Football EL 151 – Weight Lifting [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHED 1137 — Weightlifting II EL 251 – Advanced Weight Lifting [UM Catalog] 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHED 1309 — Sports Officiatin II EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
EL 234 – Sports Officiating II [UM Catalog] 2.00
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy Phil 101 – Introduction to Philosophy [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHYS 1404 — The Solar System Astr 103 – Intro Astronomy of the Solar System [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 1.00
PHYS 1411 — Introductory Astronomy Astr 103 – Intro Astronomy of the Solar System [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 1.00
PHYS 1412 — Introductory Astronomy II Astr 104 – Intro Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 1.00
PHYS 1415 — Physical Science I Phys 1XXL – Generic 100 Level Physics Lab 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PHYS 1417 — Physical Science II Phys 1XXL – Generic 100 Level Physics Lab 4.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PL SC 2013 — American Natl Govt UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
POFI 1301 — Computer App I Csci 191 – Office Applications [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PSY 1011 — Ed & Career Plan EDLE 1XX – Generic 100 Level Field & Lab Experience 1.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
PSYC 2301 — General Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SOCI 1301 — Introduction to Sociology Soc 101 – Introductory Sociology I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPAN 1411 — Beginners Spanish 1 Span 101 – Elementary Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 1.00
SPAN 1412 — Beginners Spanish 2 Span 102 – Elementary Spanish II [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 1.00
SPCH 1311 — Fundamentals of Speech UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPCH 1315 — Public Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999
SPCH 1321 — Business and Prof Speaki Spch 105 – Business and Professional Speech [UM Catalog] 3.00 01/01/1950 - 12/31/9999