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Office of the Registrar
The University of Mississippi

UM Transfer Course Equivalencies

University of Missouri-Saint Louis

EO/FICE Code: C002519

University of Missouri-Saint Louis Course(s) UM Equivalent Credits
ACCTNG 2400 — Fund of Financial Acctg Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ACCTNG 2410 — Managerial Accounting Accy 202 – Introduction to Accounting Principles II [UM Catalog] 3.00
AHS 1100 — Introduction to Western Art AH 101 – Introduction to Western Art [UM Catalog] 3.00
AHS 2270 — American Art to 1876 AH 361 – American Art [UM Catalog] 3.00
ANTHRO 1041 — Sex & Gender Across Cult ANTH 3XX – Generic 300 Level Anthropology 3.00
ART HS 1100 — Intro to Western Art AH 101 – Introduction to Western Art [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART HS 2265 — History of Photography AH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Art Hist, App & Crit 3.00
ART HS 2280 — Modern to Contemporary Art AH 359 – Contemporary Art [UM Catalog] 3.00
ASTRON 1001 — Cosmic Evol Intro Astron Astr 101 – Descriptive Astronomy [UM Catalog] 3.00
ASTRON 1001L — Intro Astronomy Lab Astr 1XXL – Generic 100 Level Astronomy Lab 1.00
ASTRON 1011 — Planets and Life in the Universe Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 3.00
BIOL 1012 — General Biology Bisc 104 – Inquiry into Life: The Environment [UM Catalog] 3.00
BIOL 1013 — General Biology Lab (1hr) Bisc 105 – Inquiry into Life Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1013 — General Biology Lab Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 1.00
Bisc 105 – Inquiry into Life Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1110 — Nutrition in Health NHM 311 – Nutrition [UM Catalog] 3.00
BIOL 1131 — Human Physiology and Anatomy I Bisc 206 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I [UM Catalog] 4.00
BIOL 1141 — Human Physiology and Anatomy II Bisc 207 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II [UM Catalog] 4.00
BIOL 1150 — Health and Wellness Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 3.00
BIOL 1202 — Enviromental Biology Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 3.00
BIOL 1811 — Introductory Biology: Molecules to Org Bisc 160 – Biological Sciences I [UM Catalog] 3.00
BIOL 1821 — Introductory Biology: Orgs and Envir Bisc 162 – Biological Sciences II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 2.00
Bisc 161 – Biological Sciences I Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
Bisc 163 – Biological Sciences II Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1811 — Introductory Biology: Molecules to Org Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 5.00
BIOL 1821 — Introductory Biology: Orgs and Envir Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 5.00
BIOL 3622 — Cell Biology Bisc 372 – Introductory Cell Biology [UM Catalog] 3.00
BUS 1800 — Computers & Information Systems MIS 241 – Management Information Systems I [UM Catalog] 3.00
BUS 2400 — Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00
BUS 2900 — Legal Environment of Business Bus 250 – Legal Environment of Business [UM Catalog] 3.00
BUS AD 1000 — Intro to Business UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
BUS AD 103 — Computers & Info Systems UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
BUS AD 1900 — Intro to Personal Law UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
CHEM 011 — Intro Chemistry Chem 105 – General Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 1XX – Generic 100 Level Chemistry and Biochem 1.00
Chem 115 – General Chemistry Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 012 — Intro Chemistry II Chem 106 – General Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 1XX – Generic 100 Level Chemistry and Biochem 1.00
Chem 116 – General Chemistry Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 1111 — Introductroy Chemistry I Chem 105 – General Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 1XX – Generic 100 Level Chemistry and Biochem 1.00
Chem 115 – General Chemistry Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 1121 — Introductroy Chemistry II Chem 106 – General Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 1XX – Generic 100 Level Chemistry and Biochem 1.00
Chem 116 – General Chemistry Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 2612 — Organic Chemistry I Chem 221 – Elementary Organic Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
CHEM 2622 — Organic Chemistry II Chem 222 – Elementary Organic Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
CHEM 2633 — Organic Chemistry Lab Chem 225 – Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
Chem 2XX – Generic 200 Level Chemistry and Biochem 1.00
COMM 1030 — Interprsnl Commun I Spch 200 – Interpersonal Communication [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMM 1040 — Into to Public Speaking UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
COMM 1050 — Intro to Mass Communication Jour 101 – Media, News & Audience [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMMUN 1040 — Into to Public Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00
CRIMIN 1100 — Intro Crim & Crim Just CJ 100 – Introduction to Criminal Justice [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECO 1001 — Principles of Microeconomics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECO 1002 — Principles of Macroeconomics Econ 203 – Principles of Macroeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 1000 — Economics in Everyday Life ECON 1XX – Generic 100 Level Economics 3.00
ECON 1001 — Prin of Microeconomics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 1002 — Prin of Macroeconomics Econ 203 – Principles of Macroeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 3001 — Intermediate Microeconomics Econ 398 – Intermediate Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 3002 — Intermediate Macroeconomics Econ 399 – Intermediate Macroeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 3100 — Economic Statistics Econ 302 – Economic Statistics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECONOM 051 — Prin of Microeconomics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECONOM 219 — Law and Economics ECON 4XX – Generic 400 Level Economics 3.00
ED PSY 2212 — Child & Adolescent Development PENDING – Pending UM Credit [UM Catalog] 999.00
EN PER 1530 — Univ Wind Ensemble MUS:ENS 1XX – Generic 100 Level Music Ensemble 1.00
ENG 1100 — Freshman Composition Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 1120 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENG 1130 — Topics in Literature Liba 102 – First Year Seminar [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 12 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENGL 1030 — Beginning Creative Writing Eng 199 – Introduction to Creative Writing [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 1100 — First-Year Writing Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 1120 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENGL 1120 — Intro to Literature ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENGL 1170 — American Literary Masterpieces Eng 224 – Survey of American Lit since Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 1950 — Topics in Literature ENG 2XX – Generic 200 Level English 3.00
ENGL 2120 — Topics in Writing WRIT 2XX – Generic 200 Level Writing 3.00
ENGL 2310 — Eng Lit Before 1790 Eng 225 – Survey of British Lit to 18th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 2320 — Engl Lit After 1790 Eng 226 – Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 2330 — Introduction to Poetry ENG 2XX – Generic 200 Level English 3.00
ENGL 2360 — Hey, Have You Read ____? ENG 2XX – Generic 200 Level English 3.00
ENGL 3100 — Junior-Level Writing Writ 250 – Advanced Composition [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLISH 012 — Literary Types ENG 2XX – Generic 200 Level English 3.00
ENGLISH 1120 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENGLISH 12 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENGLISH 2310 — English Literature I Eng 225 – Survey of British Lit to 18th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLISH 2320 — English Literature II Eng 226 – Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 010 — Freshman Composition Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 1100 — Freshman Composition Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 1120 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
ENGLSH 1120 — Freshman Composition Engl 102 – English Composition II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 2310 — English Literature I Eng 225 – Survey of British Lit to 18th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 2320 — English Literature II Eng 226 – Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 2710 — American Literature I Eng 223 – Survey of American Lit to the Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGLSH 2720 — American Literature II Eng 224 – Survey of American Lit since Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENT 1100 — Intro to Entrepreneurship Ent 101 – Social Entrepreneurship [UM Catalog] 3.00
FIN 150 — Personal Finance BUS 1XX – Generic 100 Level Business 3.00
FIN 3500 — Financial Management Fin 331 – Business Finance I [UM Catalog] 3.00
FINANCE 1590 — Personal Finance UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
FRENCH 1001 — French I Fr 101 – Elementary French I [UM Catalog] 3.00
FR 1XX – Generic 100 Level French 2.00
FRENCH 1002 — French II Fr 102 – Elementary French II [UM Catalog] 3.00
FR 1XX – Generic 100 Level French 2.00
FRENCH 2101 — Intermed French Lang/Culture I Fr 201 – Intermediate French I [UM Catalog] 3.00
FRENCH 2102 — Intermed French Lang/Culture II Fr 202 – Second Year French [UM Catalog] 3.00
GEO 1001 — General Geology Geol 101 – Physical Geology [UM Catalog] 3.00
Geol 111 – Physical Geology Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
GEOL 1001 — General Geology (3Hrs) Geol 101 – Physical Geology [UM Catalog] 3.00
GERMAN 1001 — German I Germ 101 – Elementary German I [UM Catalog] 3.00
GERM 1XX – Generic 100 Level German 2.00
GERMAN 1002 — German II Germ 102 – Elementary German II [UM Catalog] 3.00
GERM 1XX – Generic 100 Level German 2.00
GERMAN 2101 — Intmd Lang & Cult: Grmn III Germ 201 – Intermediate German I [UM Catalog] 3.00
GS 2102 — Intro to Gend Std G St 201 – Introduction to Gender Studies [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 003 — American Civics To 1865 Hst 130 – Intro to US History to 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 004 — American Civics 1865 To Pres Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1001 — American Civilization Hst 130 – Intro to US History to 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1002 — American Civilization Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1007 — African and African American Studies Hst 13X – Generic 100 Level US History [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1030 — Ancient Emp of Mediterranean HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 3.00
HIST 1031 — Top Eur Civ: W Eur-1715 Hst 120 – Intro to European History to 1648 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1032 — Top Eur Civ: W Eur-1715 to Present Hst 121 – Intro to European History since 1648 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1041 — East Asian civil UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
HIST 1052 — Mexican Civilization HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 3.00
HIST 1075 — World History to 1500 HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 3.00
HIST 1076 — World History Since 1500 HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 3.00
HIST 1999 — Big History HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 3.00
INFSYS 1800 — Computers & Info Systems Csci 103 – Survey of Computing [UM Catalog] 3.00
INTDSC 1003 — Univ Studies UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
INTLBUS 3780 — International Marketing Mktg 452 – Global Marketing & Supply Chain [UM Catalog] 3.00
LITERATU 12 — Literary Types ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 3.00
LOG OM 3300 — Business Statistics Econ 302 – Economic Statistics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
MAT 1030 — College Algebra Math 121 – College Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00
MAT 1100 — Basic Calculus Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MAT 1900 — Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Math 261 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MAT 2000 — Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Math 262 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Math 264 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 3.00
MATH 1800 — Anal Geom & Calculus I Math 263 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III [UM Catalog] 3.00
MAT 1900 — Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Math 262 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 2.00
MAT 2000 — Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Math 264 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 2.00
MATH 100 — Basic Calculus Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1030 — College Algebra Math 121 – College Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1035 — Trigonometry MATH 1XX – Generic 100 Level Mathematics 2.00
MATH 1045 — PreCalculus Math 125 – Basic Mathematics for Science & Eng [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1XX – Generic 100 Level Mathematics 2.00
MATH 105 — Basic Prob & Stat Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1105 — Basic Prob & Stat Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1310 — Elem Stat Methods Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1320 — Intro to Prob and Stat Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1800 — Anal Geom & Calculus I Math 261 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 2.00
MATH 2020 — Introduction to Differential Equations Math 353 – Elementary Differential Equations [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2450 — Elementary Linear Algebra Math 319 – Introduction to Linear Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 3000 — Discrete Structures Math 301 – Discrete Mathematics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MGMT 3600 — Management & Organizational Behavior Mgmt 391 – Organizational Behavior [UM Catalog] 3.00
MGMT 3611 — Advanced Management and Org Behavior Mgmt 391 – Organizational Behavior [UM Catalog] 3.00
MKTG 3700 — Basic Marketing Mktg 351 – Marketing Principles [UM Catalog] 3.00
MKTG 3738 — Advertising Technique Mktg 353 – Advertising and Promotion [UM Catalog] 3.00
MKTG 3780 — International Marketing Mktg 452 – Global Marketing & Supply Chain [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHI 1160 — Logic and Language Phil 103 – Logic: Critical Thinking [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 050 — Major Questions in Phil Phil 101 – Introduction to Philosophy [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 1091 — Great Philosophers PHIL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1120 — Asian Philosophy PHIL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1130 — Approaches to Ethics Phil 321 – Ethical Theory [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 1150 — Intro to Philosophy Phil 101 – Introduction to Philosophy [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 120 — Asian Philosophy Phil 209 – Asian Philosophy [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 154 — Business Ethics Phil 357 – Business Ethics [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHYSIC 1011L — Basic Physics I Lab Phys 223 – Laboratory Physics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYSIC 1012L — Basic Physics II Lab Phys 224 – Laboratory Physics II [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYSICS 1011 — Basic Physics Phys 213 – General Physics I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 223 – Laboratory Physics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYSICS 1012 — Basic Physics Phys 214 – General Physics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 224 – Laboratory Physics II [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYSICS 1012 — Basic Physics II Phys 214 – General Physics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL SC 1100 — Intro Amer Politics Pol 101 – Introduction to American Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL SC 1500 — Untro Comp Politics Pol 102 – Govt and Business [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL SCI 1100 — Intro Amer Politics Pol 101 – Introduction to American Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL SCI 1500 — Intro Comp Politics Pol 102 – Introduction to Comparative Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL SCI 1600 — Contemp Polit Ideologies POL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Political Science 3.00
POL SCI 2280 — Judicial Politics Pol 300 – Judicial Process [UM Catalog] 3.00
POL SCI 2820 — US Foreign Policy Pol 338 – Formulation of American Foreign Policy [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYCH 1003 — Gen Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYCH 2245 — Abnormal Psychology Psy 311 – Psychopathology: Integrative Approaches [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYCH 2250 — Social Psychological Science Psy 321 – Social Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYCH 3290 — Trauma Stress in Chldhd & Adol PSY 3XX – Generic 300 Level Psychology 3.00
PSYCH 4376 — Mental Health and Aging Psy 455 – Special Topics in Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
SCMA 3300 — Business Analytics and Statistics Econ 302 – Economic Statistics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
SCMA 3320 — Advanced Supply Chain and Operations Mgt Mktg 372 – Intro. to Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt [UM Catalog] 3.00
SCMA 3345 — Predictive Analytics and Data Mining Bus 400 – Special Topics In Business [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 1010 — Intro to Sociology Soc 101 – Introductory Sociology I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 2102 — Introduction to Gender Studies G St 201 – Introduction to Gender Studies [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC WK 2000 — Soc Wk & Social Issues SW 201 – Introduction to Social Work [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC WK 2001 — Soc Wk & Social Issues Lab UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 1.00
SOC WK 2002 — Social Welfare as Institutions SW 216 – Social Welfare Policy I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC WK 3100 — SW Practice with Individuals SW 436 – Social Work Practice II [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 001 — Spanish I Span 101 – Elementary Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 2.00
SPAN 1002 — Spanish II Span 102 – Elementary Spanish II [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 2.00
SPAN 2101 — Int Spanish Lang & Cult Span 201 – Intermediate Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 2115A — Intensive Spanish Language & Culture A SPAN 2XX – Generic 200 Level Spanish 5.00
SPAN 2115B — Intensive Spanish Language & Culture B SPAN 2XX – Generic 200 Level Spanish 5.00
SPAN 2115C — Intensive Spanish Language & Culture C SPAN 2XX – Generic 200 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 1001 — Spanish I Span 101 – Elementary Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 2.00
SPANISH 1001 — Spanish Language & Culture I Span 101 – Elementary Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 2.00
SPANISH 1002 — Spanish Language & Culture II Span 102 – Elementary Spanish II [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Spanish 2.00
SPANISH 2101 — Int Spanish Lang & Cult Span 201 – Intermediate Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPANISH 2101 — Spanish Language & Culture III Span 201 – Intermediate Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPANISH 2172 — Spanish Composition SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 4.00
SPANISH 2180 — Readings in Spanish SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 4.00
SPANISH 3212 — Hispanic Cultures & Civilization SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 3220 — Intro Spanish Translation & Interpreting SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 3261 — Spanish for Professions SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 3271 — Advanced Spanish Conversation SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 3282 — Intro to Hispanic Literature SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 3311 — Intro to Special Topics in Hispanic Cult SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 3326 — Intro to Hispanic Linguistics SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
SPANISH 4172 — Intro to Creative Writing in Spanish SPAN 3XX – Generic 300 Level Spanish 3.00
ST ART 1030 — Ceramics I Art 340 – Beginning Ceramics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ST ART 1060 — Photography I ART 1XX – Generic 100 Level Art 1.00
ST ART 1130 — Ceramics II Art 341 – Pottery [UM Catalog] 3.00
ST ART 1140 — Drawing I ART 1XX – Generic 100 Level Art 3.00
ST ART 1141 — Drawing II Art 111 – Drawing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ST ART 130 — Ceramics II Art 341 – Pottery [UM Catalog] 3.00
ST ART 2260 — Photography I ART 2XX – Generic 200 Level Art 3.00
ST ART 2266 — Comm Applic in Photo II ART 2XX – Generic 200 Level Art 3.00
ST ART 2270 — Ceramics I Art 340 – Beginning Ceramics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ST ART 3260 — Photography III ART 3XX – Generic 300 Level Art 3.00
ST ART 3391 — Adv Prob Photography I ART 3XX – Generic 300 Level Art 3.00
START 1150 — Design I UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
St Art 1030 — Ceramics I Art 340 – Beginning Ceramics [UM Catalog] 3.00
TCH ED 2001 — Early Clinical Exper: Schools EDEC 2XX – Generic 200 Level Early Childhood Educ 1.00
TCH ED 2209 — Teaching in American Schools EDCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Curriculum & Instructn 2.00
THEATR 1900 — Intro to Theatre Technol THEA 2XX – Generic 200 Level Theatre 3.00
Th Dan 1900 — Intro to Theatre Technol Thea 271 – Introduction to Stagecraft [UM Catalog] 3.00