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Office of the Registrar
The University of Mississippi

UM Transfer Course Equivalencies

University of Tennessee-Martin

EO/FICE Code: C003531

University of Tennessee-Martin Course(s) UM Equivalent Credits
ACCT 201 — Fund Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ACCT 201 — Acct info Decision Making I Accy 201 – Introduction to Accounting Principles I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ACCT 202 — Fundamentals of Acct II Accy 202 – Introduction to Accounting Principles II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ACCT 202 — Acct Info Decision Making II Accy 202 – Introduction to Accounting Principles II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ACCT 2110 — Fund ACCY 2XX – Generic 200 Level Accountancy 2.00
ACCT 2120 — Fund ACCY 2XX – Generic 200 Level Accountancy 2.00
ACCY 2130 — Fund ACCY 2XX – Generic 200 Level Accountancy 2.00
AGEC 110 — Intro Agricultural Business UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
ANSC 110 — Intro Animal Science UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
ANSC 231 — Companion Animal Lab UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
ANTHRO 101 — Intro to Anthro Anth 103 – Topics in Anthropology [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 110 — Understand Visual Art AH 101 – Introduction to Western Art [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 210 — Hist of Art AH 201 – History of Art I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 221 — 2 Dimensional Design Art 101 – Two-Dimensional Design [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 222 — 3 Dimensional Design Art 103 – Three-Dimensional Design [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 241 — Drawing I Art 111 – Drawing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 242 — Drawing II Art 211 – Drawing II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 311 — Painting I Art 321 – Beginning Painting [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 391 — Special Topics Art-Sienna AH 306 – Topics in Art History Abroad [UM Catalog] 3.00
ART 420 — Printmaking ART 3XX – Generic 300 Level Art 3.00
ART ED 2100 — Intro Art Education ARED 2XX – Generic 200 Level Art Eduction 2.00
ARTE 211 — Intro to Tchg Art ARED 2XX – Generic 200 Level Art Eduction 1.00
ASTRON 201 — Astronomy Astr 103 – Intro Astronomy of the Solar System [UM Catalog] 3.00
Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 1.00
ASTRON 202 — Astronomy Astr 104 – Intro Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies [UM Catalog] 3.00
Astr 1XX – Generic 100 Level Astronomy 1.00
ATH 150 — Elem Stat & Probability Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ATH 160 — Calc Bus & Life Sci Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ATRN 200 — Basic Princ Athl Train/Taping HP 303 – Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries [UM Catalog] 3.00
Ad Serv 201 — Intro Bus Comp Appl UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00
BAEG 131 — Basic Mechanics I Engr 309 – Statics [UM Catalog] 3.00
BAEG 132 — Basic Mechanics II ENGR 2XX – Generic 200 Level Engineering 2.00
ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 1.00
BE 110 — Fund Engin Graph ENGR 1XX – Generic 100 Level Engineering 3.00
BE 111 — Fun Comp Aid D/d Engr 207 – Graphics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 101 — Prin UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 4.00
BIOL 102 — Prin Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 4.00
BIOL 103 — Prin UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 4.00
BIOL 110 — Intro Cell Biol& Gen Bisc 160 – Biological Sciences I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Bisc 161 – Biological Sciences I Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 1110 — Prin Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 2.67
BIOL 112 — Prin Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 2.67
BIOL 1120 — Prin UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
BIOL 1130 — Prin Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 2.67
BIOL 120 — Intro Pl & Animal Biol Bisc 1XXL – Generic 100 Level Biology Lab 4.00
BIOL 1210 — Concept&Appl Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 2.67
BIOL 1220 — Concepts&Appl Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 2.67
BIOL 130 — Prin Of Biol I Bisc 160 – Biological Sciences I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Bisc 161 – Biological Sciences I Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 140 — Found Biol: Cell&Molecular Bisc 162 – Biological Sciences II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Bisc 163 – Biological Sciences II Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 140 — Prin Of Biol II Bisc 162 – Biological Sciences II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Bisc 163 – Biological Sciences II Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
BIOL 2010 — Anatomy & Physiology I Bisc 206 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I [UM Catalog] 4.00
BIOL 2020 — Anatomy & Physiology II Bisc 207 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II [UM Catalog] 4.00
BIOL 300 — Med & Scientific Voc Bisc 3XX – Generic 300 Level Biology 2.00
BIOL 331 — General Ecology Bisc 3XX – Generic 300 Level Biology 3.00
BIOL 336 — Intro Genetics Bisc 3XX – Generic 300 Level Biology 3.00
BIOL 337 — Cell Biology Bisc 3XX – Generic 300 Level Biology 3.00
BIOL 337 — Cell Biology Bisc 440 – Cell and Molecular Biology [UM Catalog] 4.00
BIOL 338 — Cell Biology Lab
BIOL 338 — Cell Biology Lab Bisc 3XX – Generic 300 Level Biology 1.00
BIOL 391 — Organic Evolution Bisc 301 – Evolution [UM Catalog] 3.00
BIOL 410 — Seminar Biol Sci Bisc 4XX – Generic 400 Level Biology 1.00
BIOL 436 — Molecular Biology Bisc 4XX – Generic 400 Level Biology 3.00
BIOL 437 — Molecular Biol Lab Bisc 4XX – Generic 400 Level Biology 2.00
BIOL 462 — Special Topics Bisc 479 – Special Topics in Biology [UM Catalog] 2.00
BLAW 201 — Legal Environ of Bus Bus 250 – Legal Environment of Business [UM Catalog] 3.00
BLAW 301 — Business Law I BUS 3XX – Generic 300 Level Business 3.00
BUS ADM 220 — Intro to Business UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
BUS LAW 201 — Legal Environ of Bus Bus 250 – Legal Environment of Business [UM Catalog] 3.00
BUSAD 1110 — Intro to Business UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
CDFR 211 — Child Growth and Dev Coun 333 – Psychology of Human Growth and Developme [UM Catalog] 3.00
CFS 100 — Lifespan Human Development Bisc 1XX – Generic 100 Level Biology 3.00
CFS 303 — Family Relationships G St 303 – The Family [UM Catalog] 3.00
CHEM 101 — Fundamentals of Chemistry Chem 1XX – Generic 100 Level Chemistry and Biochem 3.00
CHEM 1110 — General Chemistry I Chem 105 – General Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 115 – General Chemistry Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 1120 — General Chemistry II Chem 106 – General Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 116 – General Chemistry Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 121 — General Chemistry Chem 105 – General Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 115 – General Chemistry Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 122 — General Chem 106 – General Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 116 – General Chemistry Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 341 — Organic Chem Chem 221 – Elementary Organic Chemistry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 225 – Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory I [UM Catalog] 1.00
CHEM 342 — Organic Chem Chem 222 – Elementary Organic Chemistry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Chem 226 – Elementary Organic Chem. Laboratory II [UM Catalog] 1.00
CJ 200 — Intro to Crim Just CJ 100 – Introduction to Criminal Justice [UM Catalog] 3.00
CJ 220 — Crim Justice Ethics CJ 2XX – Generic 200 Level Criminal Justice 3.00
CJ 302 — Criminal Justice Ethics CJ 300 – Ethics in Legal Studies [UM Catalog] 3.00
CJ 310 — Prin Criminal Investigation CJ 230 – Principles of Investigation [UM Catalog] 3.00
CJ 325 — Criminology CJ 390 – Special Topics [UM Catalog] 3.00
CJ 400 — Criminal Law CJ 210 – Criminal Law [UM Catalog] 3.00
CJ 415 — American Death Penalty CJ 390 – Special Topics [UM Catalog] 3.00
COM 230 — Public Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMM 100 — Survey of Mass Media Jour 101 – Media, News & Audience [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMM 200 — News Writing Jour 271 – Information Gathering [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMM 220 — Voice and Diction THEA 1XX – Generic 100 Level Theatre 1.00
Thea 168 – Fundamentals of Voice and Speech [UM Catalog] 2.00
COMM 230 — Public Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMM 2310 — Public Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMM 360 — Television Prod Jour 376 – Television Technology [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMP SC 200 — Intro Comp Sc & Basic Csci 103 – Survey of Computing [UM Catalog] 3.00
COMP SC 250 — Cobol Prog CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 3.00
COMPS 2100 — Introd CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 2.00
COMPS 2110 — Basic Prog CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 2.00
COMPS 2150 — Cobol Prog CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 2.00
COMPS 3110 — Adv Techniques Basic CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 2.00
COMPS 3240 — Assembler Language CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 2.00
CSCI 201 — Intro computer Appl Csci 191 – Office Applications [UM Catalog] 3.00
CSCI 221 — Programming Conc/Prob Solv I Csci 259 – Programming in C++ [UM Catalog] 3.00
CSCI 290 — SPTP: Cybersecurity Literarcy CSCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Computer & Info Sci 3.00
DANC 110 — Unverstanding Dance Danc 200 – Dance Appreciation [UM Catalog] 3.00
DANC 120 — Contemporary Dance I Danc 152 – Contemporary Dance I [UM Catalog] 2.00
ECON 100 — Amer Enterprise Sys Econ 101 – Introduction to Economics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 1710 — Evol Amer Economy ECON 1XX – Generic 100 Level Economics 2.00
ECON 201 — Principles of Macroeconomics Econ 203 – Principles of Macroeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
ECON 202 — Principles of Microeconomics Econ 202 – Principles of Microeconomics [UM Catalog] 3.00
EGGR 101 — Fund Engr Graph I ENGR 2XX – Generic 200 Level Engineering 1.00
Engr 207 – Graphics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
ELEM ED 3001 — Prof Orient El Tchg EDEL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Elementary Education 4.00
ELEM ED 3260 — Tchg Lang Art E Sch EDEL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Elementary Education 2.00
ELEM ED 3270 — Tchg Soc St Elem Sch EDEL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Elementary Education 2.00
ELEM ED 3280 — Tchg Rdg Elem Sch EDEL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Elementary Education 2.00
ELEM ED 4360 — Remedial Arith UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
ENG 111 — Comp Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 112 — Comp Writ 102 – First-Year Writing II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENG 1130 — Comp ENG 1XX – Generic 100 Level English 2.00
ENG 260 — Amer Literary Trad Eng 223 – Survey of American Lit to the Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGIN 121 — Statics ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00
ENGL 105 — English Composition Writ 100 – Introduction to College Writing [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 111 — Comp Writ 101 – First-Year Writing I [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 112 — Comp Writ 102 – First-Year Writing II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 113 — English for Engineers Writ 102 – First-Year Writing II [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 250 — Brit Literary Trad Eng 225 – Survey of British Lit to 18th Century [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 251 — British Literary Tradition Eng 226 – Survey of Brit Lit since Romantic Period [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 260 — Amer Literary Trad Eng 223 – Survey of American Lit to the Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 261 — Amer Literary Trad Eng 224 – Survey of American Lit since Civil War [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 270 — World Literature Eng 221 – Survey of World Literature to 1650 [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 271 — World Literature Eng 222 – Survey of World Literature since 1650 [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 493 — Study Abroad Italian Cinema Engl 411 – 20th Cen Engl Novel [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGL 496 — Development of Short Story Eng 502 – Directed Reading [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGR 101 — Engineering Graphics ENGR 1XX – Generic 100 Level Engineering 2.00
Engr 207 – Graphics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
ENGR 111 — Engineering Methods I ENGR 1XX – Generic 100 Level Engineering 2.00
ENGR 121 — Statics ENGR 2XX – Generic 200 Level Engineering 3.00
ENGR 201 — Engineering Methods ENGR 2XX – Generic 200 Level Engineering 2.00
ENGR 220 — Strength of Materials ENGR 2XX – Generic 200 Level Engineering 3.00
ENGR 231 — Digital Logic El E 235 – Principles of Digital Systems [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGR 232 — Linear Circuits I Engr 360 – Electric Circuit Theory [UM Catalog] 3.00
ENGR 233 — Electrical Laboratory I Engr 361 – Electric Circuit Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
ENGR 241 — Dynamics ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00
ENGR 311 — Engr Applic Probab & Statistic ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00
ENGR 315 — Engineering Analysis ENGR 3XX – Generic 300 Level Engineering 3.00
ENGR 380 — Engineering Economy Econ 310 – Engineering Economy [UM Catalog] 3.00
FA 467 — Travel Study Art 395 – Topics in Studio Art Abroad [UM Catalog] 3.00
FCS 100 — Family & Consumer Sci Persp NHM 1XX – Generic 100 Level Family & Consumer Sci 2.00
FIN 160 — Financial Planning UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
FIN 301 — Managerial Finance Fin 331 – Business Finance I [UM Catalog] 3.00
FIN 370 — Prin of Real Estate Fin 351 – Principles of Real Estate [UM Catalog] 3.00
FREN 115 — Transitional French Fr 101 – Elementary French I [UM Catalog] 3.00
FR 1XX – Generic 100 Level French 1.00
FRENCH 111 — Elementary French Fr 101 – Elementary French I [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
FRENCH 112 — Elem Fr 102 – Elementary French II [UM Catalog] 3.00
FR 1XX – Generic 100 Level French 1.00
FRENCH 122 — Elementary French Fr 102 – Elementary French II [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
GEN ST 101 — Freshman Studies UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
GEN ST 201 — Career Exploration UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
GENS 101 — Freshman Studies UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
GENS 117 — Success Dynamics II-AG EDHE 1XX – Generic 100 Level Education, Higher Educ 1.00
GENS 125 — Tps in Indiv Ldrship Stud UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
GENS 129 — Success Dynamics-Chem 101 UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
GENS 134 — Success Strategies UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
GENS 211 — College Study Skills UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
GENS 319 — General Studies Topics UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 1.00
GENS 325 — General Studies Topics UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 1.00
GEOG 152 — Reg:Asia Africa L AM GEOG 1XX – Generic 100 Level Geography 3.00
GEOG 1710 — Elem UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
GEOG 201 — Physical Geog UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00
GEOG 492 — Geography of Wine UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 3.00
GEOL 110 — Intro Physical Geology Geol 101 – Physical Geology [UM Catalog] 3.00
Geol 111 – Physical Geology Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
GEOL 111 — Hist of The Earth Geol 102 – Historical Geology [UM Catalog] 3.00
Geol 112 – Historical Geology Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
GEOL 1110 — Elem Geol 1XX – Generic 100 Level Geology 2.67
GEOL 113 — Hist of The Earth Geol 102 – Historical Geology [UM Catalog] 3.00
Geol 112 – Historical Geology Laboratory [UM Catalog] 1.00
GEOS 110 — Geoscience in Everyday Life Liba 205L – Interdisciplinary Lab Sciences [UM Catalog] 3.00
GERMAN 111 — Elementary German Germ 101 – Elementary German I [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
GERMAN 122 — Elementary German Germ 102 – Elementary German II [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
HIST 121 — Dev World Civil I Hst 120 – Intro to European History to 1648 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1210 — Dev West Civ HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 2.00
HIST 122 — Dev World Civil II Hst 121 – Intro to European History since 1648 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 1220 — Dev West Civ HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 2.00
HIST 1230 — Dev West Civ HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 2.00
HIST 201 — History of the US Hst 130 – Intro to US History to 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 202 — History of the US Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 2210 — Hist of U S HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 2.00
HIST 2210 — Hist of U S Hst 130 – Intro to US History to 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 2220 — Hist of U S Hst 131 – Intro to US History since 1877 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 2230 — Hist of U. S.
HIST 2220 — Hist of U S HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 2.00
HIST 2230 — Hist of U. S. HST 1XX – Generic 100 Level History 2.00
HIST 310 — Amer Military Hist Hst 435 – US Military History [UM Catalog] 3.00
HIST 421 — Renaissance & Reformation HST 3XX – Generic 300 Level History 3.00
HIST 494 — Antebellum America Hst 403 – US- Emerging Nation, 1789-1850 [UM Catalog] 3.00
HLRN 325 — Educ Psych Coun 307 – Educational Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
HLTH 111 — Prin&conc Pers Helth PH 191 – Personal and Community Health [UM Catalog] 3.00
HLTH 220 — Adv First Aid & CPR PH 203 – First Aid and CPR [UM Catalog] 3.00
HLTH 353 — Human Sexuality Psy 360 – Psychology of Human Sexuality [UM Catalog] 3.00
HON SEM 108 — Honors Seminar UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
HPER 304 — Adapted Phys Ed UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 3.00
HPER 485 — WKSP: Coaching Methods & Train UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
IDST 110 — Intro to Leadership UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
IDST 490 — Senior Seminar IDS 499 – Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone [UM Catalog] 3.00
INF SYS 231 — Intro Word Process CSCI 1XX – Generic 100 Level Computer & Info Sci 1.00
INF SYS 241 — Curr Productiv Tools CSCI 1XX – Generic 100 Level Computer & Info Sci 1.00
INFS 236 — Microsoft Office Suite Appls Csci 191 – Office Applications [UM Catalog] 3.00
INFS 255 — Digital Writing Business Gram UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00
INTD 100 — Design Selection NHM 1XX – Generic 100 Level Family & Consumer Sci 3.00
JAPN 111 — Elementary Japanese (3Hrs) JAPN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Japanese 3.00
JAPN 111 — Elementary Japanese Japn 101 – Elementary Japanese I [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
JAPN 122 — Elementary Japanese (3Hrs) JAPN 1XX – Generic 100 Level Japanese 3.00
JAPN 122 — Elementary Japanese Japn 101 – Elementary Japanese I [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
JAPN 222 — Intermediate Japanese Japn 201 – Intermediate Japanese I [UM Catalog] 3.00
UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 1.00
JAPN 341 — Advanced Conversation Japn 202 – Intermediate Japanese II [UM Catalog] 3.00
L SERV 4510 — Books & Rel Material for Children EDRD 4XX – Generic 400 Level Reading Education 2.00
LDSP 322 — LDSP Theory, Innov & Policy Edld 220 – Foundations of Leadership Studies [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1120 — Gen UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
MATH 130 — The Nature of Mathematics MATH 1XX – Generic 100 Level Mathematics 3.00
MATH 140 — Col Alg&Elem Func Math 121 – College Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 150 — Elem Stat & Probability Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 160 — Calc Bus&Life Sci Math 267 – Calculus for Business, Econ., & Accy. I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 170 — Trigonometry Math 123 – Trigonometry [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1810 — Anal Geom & Cal UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
MATH 1820 — Anal Geom & Cal UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
MATH 1830 — Anal Geom & Cal UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
MATH 185 — Precalculus Math 125 – Basic Mathematics for Science & Eng [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 1XX – Generic 100 Level Mathematics 2.00
MATH 191 — Prin of Math Math 245 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 192 — Prin of Math Math 246 – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 210 — Elementary Stats & Probability Math 115 – Elementary Statistics [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2110 — Math for Elem Tchrs UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
MATH 2120 — Math for Elem Tchrs UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
MATH 251 — Calculus I Math 261 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 252 — Calculus II Math 262 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 320 — Multivariate Calculus Math 263 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III [UM Catalog] 3.00
Math 264 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 251 — Calculus I Math 261 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry I [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MATH 252 — Calculus II Math 262 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry II [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MATH 291 — Special Topics in Mathematics Math 397 – Special Problems [UM Catalog] 2.00
MATH 310 — Linear Algebra Math 319 – Introduction to Linear Algebra [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 320 — Multivariate Calculus Math 264 – Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV [UM Catalog] 3.00
MATH 2XX – Generic 200 Level Mathematics 1.00
MATH 330 — Differ Equations Math 353 – Elementary Differential Equations [UM Catalog] 3.00
MBIO 251 — Gen Bacteriology Bisc 210 – Principles of Microbiology [UM Catalog] 4.00
MBIO 310 — Gen Molecular Micro Bisc 333 – General Microbiology [UM Catalog] 4.00
MBIO 401 — Immunology Bisc 414 – Immunology and Serology [UM Catalog] 3.00
MBIO 402 — Immunology Lab Bisc 4XX – Generic 400 Level Biology 1.00
MGT 1110 — Intro to Bus Mgt UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
MGT 1750 — Elect Data Proc MIS 2XX – Generic 200 Level Management Info System 2.00
MGT 300 — Management and Behavior Mgmt 371 – Principles of Management [UM Catalog] 3.00
MGT 301 — Organization & Mgt Mgmt 371 – Principles of Management [UM Catalog] 3.00
MGT 301 — Organization & Mgt Mgmt 371 – Principles of Management [UM Catalog] 3.00
MGT 305 — Creativity & Innovation BUS 3XX – Generic 300 Level Business 3.00
MGT 350 — Personnel Administration Mgmt 383 – Human Resource Management [UM Catalog] 3.00
MICRO 251 — Gen Bacteriology Bisc 210 – Principles of Microbiology [UM Catalog] 4.00
MKTG 105 — Introduction to Marketing UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
MKTG 301 — Prin of Mktg Mktg 351 – Marketing Principles [UM Catalog] 3.00
MKTG 301 — Prin Of Mktg Mktg 351 – Marketing Principles [UM Catalog] 3.00
MKTG 340 — Logistics Supply Chain Management Mktg 372 – Intro. to Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt [UM Catalog] 3.00
MMSC 230 — Public Speaking PENDING – Pending UM Credit [UM Catalog] 999.00
MSL 102 — Basic Leadership Edld 120 – Introduction to Leadership Studies [UM Catalog] 3.00
MUEN 363 — Choral Society MUS:ENS 1XX – Generic 100 Level Music Ensemble 1.00
MUS 111 — Masterpieces Music MUS 1XX – Generic 100 Level Music 3.00
MUS 112 — Music In Our Time MUS:CLSS 1XX – Generic 100 Level Music Class 3.00
MUS 1140 — Mus Fund Clrm Tchrs EDCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Curriculum & Instructn 2.00
MUS 1310 — Mus Listening Skills UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
MUS ED 1110 — Bas Exp in Clrm Mus UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 0.67
MUS ED 3100 — Tchg Mus Elem Sch EDEL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Elementary Education 2.00
MUS ENS 363 — Choral Society Mus 335 – University Chorus [UM Catalog] 1.00
NURS 281 — Topics Hlth Care-Pre Nursing UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00
NUTR 100 — Introd NHM 311 – Nutrition [UM Catalog] 3.00
P HLTH 3210 — First Aid&Safety Ed UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
PACT 115 — Swimming EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
PACT 122 — Aerobic Walking/Jogging EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 156 – Jogging [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 124 — Rhythmic Aerobics EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 158 – Low Impact Aerobics [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 125 — Weight Training UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
EL 151 – Weight Lifting [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 128 — Batminton UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
PACT 131 — Women's Self Defense EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 105 – Self Defense Activities [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 135 — Golf UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 1.00
EL 139 – Golf [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 147 — Boxercise EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
PACT 160 — Tennis EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 147 – Tennis [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 161 — Interm Tennis EL 247 – Advanced Tennis [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 170 — TP: Pilates EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
PACT 195 — Men's Basketball EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 153 – Sports Conditioning [UM Catalog] 1.00
PACT 195 — VA: Football UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.00
PHIL 110 — Adventure Of Ideas: Historical PHIL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 110 — The Adventure of Ideas (The Living Heri Phil 101 – Introduction to Philosophy [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 120 — The Adventure of Ideas (Living Issues in Phil 101 – Introduction to Philosophy [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 130 — Ethics and Race PHIL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 140 — Intr Business Ethics Phil 357 – Business Ethics [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 160 — Intro to Ethics PHIL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Classical Perspective PHIL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Philosophy 2.00
PHIL 2020 — Modern Perspect PHIL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Philosophy 2.00
PHIL 2030 — Contemporary Perspec PHIL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Philosophy 2.00
PHIL 210 — Elementary Logic Phil 103 – Logic: Critical Thinking [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 300 — Questions of Right and Wrong Phil 321 – Ethical Theory [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 301 — Major Religions of the World Rel 101 – Introduction to Religion [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 310 — Aesthetics Phil 320 – Aesthetics [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 314 — History of Ancient and Medieval Philosop Phil 301 – History of Philosophy I [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 315 — History of Modern Philosophy Phil 302 – History of Philosophy II [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 320 — Traces of God Phil 351 – Philosophy of Religion [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 330 — Love, Sexuality, and Living PHIL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 340 — Death, Suffering, and Evil PHIL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 350 — Principles of Bioethics Phil 328 – Biomedical Ethics [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 360 — Symbolic Logic Phil 655 – Advanced Symbolic Logic [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 385 — Topics in the History of Philosophy PHIL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 410 — Political and Legal Philosophy Phil 350 – Philosophy of Law [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 420 — Philosophies of Creativity and the Futur PHIL 4XX – Generic 400 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 430 — Science and Human Values Phil 665 – Philosophy of Science [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 440 — Topics in African-American and Feminist PHIL 4XX – Generic 400 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 450 — Existentialism and Phenomenology Phil 318 – Existentialism [UM Catalog] 3.00
PHIL 460 — Contemporary Metaphysics and Epistemolog PHIL 4XX – Generic 400 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 490 — Topics in Philosophy (Selected Topics) PHIL 4XX – Generic 400 Level Philosophy 3.00
PHYED 2720 — Canoeing EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYED 2739 — Figure Cont & Cond EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYED 2765 — Elem Swimming EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYED 2766 — Interm Swimming EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYED 2777 — Elem Tennis EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYED 2780 — Backpacking & Camping EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYS 211 — College Physics Phys 213 – General Physics I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 223 – Laboratory Physics I [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYS 212 — College Physics Phys 214 – General Physics II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 224 – Laboratory Physics II [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYS 220 — University Physics Phys 211 – Physics for Science & Engineering I [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 221 – Lab Physics for Science & Engineering I [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYS 221 — University Physics Phys 212 – Physics for Science & Engineering II [UM Catalog] 3.00
Phys 222 – Lab Physics for Science & Engineering II [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYS 322 — University Physics Phys 2XX – Generic 200 Level Physics 3.00
PHYS 323 — University Physics Phys 3XX – Generic 300 Level Physics 3.00
PHYS ED 106 — Gymnastics/Rhythms EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 3.00
PHYS ED 122 — Aerobic Jogging EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
PHYS ED 135 — Golf EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 139 – Golf [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYS ED 1424 — Elem Mod Dance EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYS ED 1464 — Softball UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 0.67
PHYS ED 1466 — Interm Swimming EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 0.67
PHYS ED 160 — Tennis EL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 1.00
EL 147 – Tennis [UM Catalog] 1.00
PHYS ED 240 — Vars Athl Pep Squad EL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Exercise & Leisure Act 2.00
PLSC 110 — Intro Plant&Soil Sci UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
POLSC 2210 — Amer Govt & Pol POL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Political Science 2.00
POLSC 2220 — Amer Govt & Pol POL 1XX – Generic 100 Level Political Science 2.00
POLSC 2230 — Am State & Local Govt POL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Political Science 2.00
POLSC 4210 — International Law UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 2.00
PORT 1111 — Elem Portuguese UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
PORT 1121 — Elem Portuguese UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
PORT 1131 — Elem Portuguese UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 2.67
PORT 2111 — Interm Portuguese UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
PORT 2121 — Interm Portuguese UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
PORT 2131 — Interm Portuguese UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
POSC 210 — American Government & Politics Pol 101 – Introduction to American Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POSC 220 — Amer Political Instit & Policy Pol 101 – Introduction to American Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POSC 220 — Amer Govt & Politics Pol 101 – Introduction to American Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POSC 312 — Politics & Govt Tenn POL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Political Science 3.00
POSC 314 — Intergovernmental Rel Pol 316 – State and Local Government and Politics [UM Catalog] 3.00
POSC 431 — Amer Constitut Law POL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Political Science 3.00
POSC 431 — Amer Constitut Law Pol 307 – Const Law II: Civil Lib & Civil Rights [UM Catalog] 3.00
POSC 432 — Amer Constitut Law POL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Political Science 3.00
POSC 432 — Amer Constitut Law POL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Political Science 3.00
PSY 2120 — Gen PSY 2XX – Generic 200 Level Psychology 2.00
PSY 2130 — Gen UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
PSYC 101 — Introduction to Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 110 — Gen Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 120 — Gen Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 312 — Social Psych Psy 321 – Social Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 313 — Developmental Psych Psy 301 – Developmental Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 350 — Abnormal Psych Psy 311 – Psychopathology: Integrative Approaches [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 360 — Drugs and Behavior Psy 322 – Drugs and Behavior [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 365 — Special Topics in Psychology Psy 455 – Special Topics in Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYC 370 — Psych of Women PSY 3XX – Generic 300 Level Psychology 3.00
PSYCH 110 — Gen Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYCH 210 — Gen UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 3.00
PSYCH 2110 — Gen UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
PSYCH 2120 — Gen UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
PSYCH 2130 — Gen UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
PSYCH 220 — Gen Psychology Psy 201 – Introduction to Psychology [UM Catalog] 3.00
PSYCH 3650 — Abnormal Psych Psy 311 – Psychopathology: Integrative Approaches [UM Catalog] 3.00
REL ART 1410 — Art Appreciation ARHI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Art Hist, App & Crit 2.00
REL ST 202 — Survey of the Bible REL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Religion 3.00
RELST 2110 — Rel & Cont Culture REL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Religion 2.00
RELST 2130 — Major Rel of Man REL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Religion 2.00
RLST 201 — Religion and Contemporary Culture REL 2XX – Generic 200 Level Religion 3.00
RLST 301 — Major Religions of the World Rel 101 – Introduction to Religion [UM Catalog] 3.00
RLST 306 — Religion and Society REL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Religion 3.00
RLST 320 — Traces of God Rel 351 – Philosophy of Religion [UM Catalog] 3.00
RLST 340 — Death, Suffering, and Evil REL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Religion 3.00
RLST 350 — The Hebrew-Jewish Scriptures Rel 310 – Hebrew Bible/Old Testament [UM Catalog] 3.00
RLST 360 — The Christian Scriptures Rel 312 – The New Testament & Early Christianity [UM Catalog] 3.00
RLST 380 — Topics in the History and Philosophy of REL 3XX – Generic 300 Level Religion 3.00
SC HLTH 3610 — Elem Hlth Instr HP 3XX – Generic 300 Level Health Promotion 2.00
SKIL 001 — Critical Think Skill UM 1XX – Generic 100 Level General University 3.00
SOC 201 — General Sociology Soc 101 – Introductory Sociology I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 202 — Social Problem Soc 311 – Social Problems [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 208 — Marriage and Family Soc 301 – The Family [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 2110 — Gen SOC 1XX – Generic 100 Level Sociology 2.00
SOC 2120 — Social Institutions SOC 2XX – Generic 200 Level Sociology 2.00
SOC 2130 — Social Problems UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
SOC 300 — Cultural Anthropology Anth 303 – Cultural Anthropology [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 305 — Soc Deviance & Soc Control SOC 3XX – Generic 300 Level Sociology 3.00
SOC 318 — Social Research Methods Soc 365 – Methods of Social Research [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 319 — Data Analysis SOC 3XX – Generic 300 Level Sociology 3.00
SOC 381 — Special Topics SOC 3XX – Generic 300 Level Sociology 3.00
SOC 402 — Sociological Theory Soc 302 – Sociological Theory [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 455 — Siena Soc 385 – Topics in Sociology Abroad [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC 497 — Senior Seminar SOC 3XX – Generic 300 Level Sociology 3.00
SOC WRK 200 — Intro Soc Wrk Prac SW 201 – Introduction to Social Work [UM Catalog] 3.00
SOC WRK 220 — Women &Minorities SW 4XX – Generic 400 Level Social Work 3.00
SOIL 210 — Soil Science UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 4.00
SP ED 3100 — Exceptional Child EDSP 4XX – Generic 400 Level Special Education 1.00
Edsp 407 – SP ED Law and Procedures [UM Catalog] 1.00
SP ED 3110 — Found&Issues Spec Ed EDSP 3XX – Generic 300 Level Special Education 2.00
SP ED 4140 — Classroom Mgt EDCI 2XX – Generic 200 Level Curriculum & Instructn 2.00
SP ED 4160 — Ch&Need hand Ch II UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 111 — Elementary Spanish 3 hours Span 101 – Elementary Spanish I [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 115 — Transitional Spanish 3 hours Span 121 – Accelerated Elementary Spanish [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 122 — Elementary Spanish 3 hours Span 102 – Elementary Spanish II [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 2121 — Interm UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 2131 — Interm UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 222 — Intermediate Spanish Span 202 – Intermediate Spanish II [UM Catalog] 3.00
SPAN 3410 — Comp & Conversation UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 3420 — Comp & Conversation UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 3810 — Surv Span Lit UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 3820 — Surv Span Lit UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 3910 — Int Conv For Country UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 3920 — Studies Abroad UM 3XX – Generic 300 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 4220 — Adv Grammar UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 4230 — Drama & Diction UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 2.00
SPAN 4410 — Spanish Civilization UM 4XX – Generic 400 Level General University 2.00
SPEECH 2310 — Pub Speaking Spch 102 – Fundamentals of Public Speaking [UM Catalog] 3.00
SWRK 220 — Hum Diver & Oppres Pop SW 4XX – Generic 400 Level Social Work 3.00
SWRK 315 — Soc Work Hlth Care SW 326 – Gerontology: Social Welfare Aspects [UM Catalog] 3.00
SWRK 425 — Special Topics SW 3XX – Generic 300 Level Social Work 4.00
TCED 211 — Intro to Teaching UM 2XX – Generic 200 Level General University 1.00
TCFM 102 — Fashion Sel&Pers Image IMC 1XX – Generic 100 Level IMC 3.00
THEA 111 — Understanding Theatre Thea 201 – Appreciation of the Theatre [UM Catalog] 3.00
WMST 303 — Family Relations G St 303 – The Family [UM Catalog] 3.00
ZOOL 251 — Human Anatomy & Physiology I Bisc 206 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I [UM Catalog] 4.00
ZOOL 352 — Human Anatomy & Physiology II Bisc 207 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II [UM Catalog] 4.00